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Upgrade 8.10 to KDE 4.2

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    Re: Upgrade 8.10 to KDE 4.2

    Originally posted by Teunis
    The fact the system complains about something plasma hints you didn't follow the rules by fully removing plasma before the upgrade.

    About Kubuntu 8.10 with KDE4.2, it's a lot better and more complete than 4.1.

    But Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE3.5 is so much faster and rock solid.

    KDE4.2 needs the plasmoids but they regularly crash, luckily they recover automatically but it just shows.
    There are less unfinished bits in 4.2 than in 4.1, for example in Gwenview the KIPI plugins only partially work.
    The plasmoid I like best is the one that enables the classical layout for the K-menu.
    Yea but how do I correct this? I tried
    sudo apt-get -f install
    But I still have the same problem. Can I still remove the kdelowse-plasma and get 4.2 to run? If so than how.


      Re: Upgrade 8.10 to KDE 4.2

      Assuming you haven't screwed things up significantly (or at all), follow the instructions for KDE 4.2 Released at the section titled 8.10 (Intrepid)
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: Upgrade 8.10 to KDE 4.2

        Whoa... shoots fired! I'm just asking for help. I want to know how to uninstall plasmoids from konsole code wise.


          Re: Upgrade 8.10 to KDE 4.2

          Not shooting at you. Just want to ensure that you knew about, and followed the instructions on your attempt to upgrade to 4.2.00. Did you?
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: Upgrade 8.10 to KDE 4.2

            I was trying to follow those same direction, but I didn't notice the plasma packages I had. I want to know if I can remove them from konsole. If I can, what code do I use to do so?


              Re: Upgrade 8.10 to KDE 4.2

              Read through my post on [SOLVED]Re: KDE 4.1.4 to KDE 4.2(rc1) - packages to be removed? as well as the cited [SOLVED]Upgrade error!? What do I do?

              Not completely sure that these will shed light on or point you in a direction for you exact situation, but ....
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Upgrade 8.10 to KDE 4.2

                I tried
                sudo apt-get -f install
                This reported back one error.
                This wont let me configure. Giving me those errors I mentioned in my earlier post



                  Re: Upgrade 8.10 to KDE 4.2

                  I went to/home/sapper/.kde/share/config and removed the plasma-appletsrc and plasmarcfiles, but I still can't login...


                    Re: Upgrade 8.10 to KDE 4.2

                    Originally posted by Kannedheat
                    I tried:
                    sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop
                    sudo apt-get kdebase
                    sudo apt-get kdebase-workspace
                    sudo apt-get kdebase-runtime
                    apt-get needs an action to execute, like:
                    sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop


                      Re: Upgrade 8.10 to KDE 4.2

                      So I had to reload my desktop the other day due to installing windows 7 over my vista install and I couldn't get the grub to work after doing that for some strange reason. So after battling with grub for a couple of days I called it quits and did a reinstall.
                      So now I am trying to upgrade to 4.2 again. Last time it worked like a charm now when I go to do it I get this
                      Failed to fetch Size mismatch

                      has anyone else ran into this and if so anyone got any ideas on how to correct it? I filed a bug a launchpad about it but have not heard anything back on it since my filing. Thanks in advance for your help with this.
                      Kubuntu II on both Laptop and Desktop and some servers here at the office


                        Re: Upgrade 8.10 to KDE 4.2

                        Ok so after messing around with this for quite some time I finally found a post on the Ubuntu forums that suggested to just download the one file that had the issue individually. So that is what I did and after I downloaded it I just used GDEBI to install it. After the install was completed I was then able to rerun my updater it installed almost everything without a hitch the only one that had problems was the workspace issue. After a sudo apt-get install -f fixed that little wagon and another update and dist-upgrade and I was golden. I love KDE 4.2 and being stuck back at 4.1 has just been like going from a 8 cylinder truck down to a geo metro so it's great to be back in 4.2 once again and this portion of this thread is solved for me.
                        Kubuntu II on both Laptop and Desktop and some servers here at the office


                          Re: Upgrade 8.10 to KDE 4.2

                          Originally posted by SlyFerret
                          So... To those of you who have upgraded to 4.2... are you finding it to be significantly more stable?
                          Upgrading 8.04 to 8.10 was disastrous, KDE 4.1 usually didn't work at all, and did not for a new vanilla user. So I tried KDE 4.2, following the instructions given. That failed with conflicts and Adept told me to run various apt-get commands to remove stuff, the result was no KDE, even though kdm was still the display manager. From Gnome running synaptic, I reselected various KDE 4 packages, thrashing around blindly like a noobie. I got KDE back, in some kind of hybrid 4.1 - 4.2 state, which actually works quite well .

                          IMO KDE 4.1 (when it worked) wasn't functional enough, too much that I expected intuitively to be able to do wasn't there, and 4.2 is a lot better. I want more, though. For example, I wish I could control that cashew thing, have widgets on top of windows, and on only one desktop.

                          I should have kept my 8.04 installation, or at least backed it up, and recorded exactly everything I did with gpg, adept, synaptic, apt-get, vim, and especially rm!. Next time, maybe.

                          Regards, John
                          Regards, John Little


                            Re: Upgrade 8.10 to KDE 4.2

                            Is it just me or anyone else noticed plasma memory consumption becoming enormous very fast in kde 4.2 ? I've read bug reports from the release candidates but nothing since the release.... Any similar experience ?

