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Weather in taskbar for KDE 4?

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    Weather in taskbar for KDE 4?

    Hi all,

    Is there a way to show the current weather in the taskbar in Kubuntu 8.10? I have not been able to find a way.


    Re: Weather in taskbar for KDE 4?

    I think I saw that there is a weather widget in KDE 4.2, which will be packaged for Kubuntu in the coming days. I guess it will be able to tell you current weather conditions at your place Expect to see it soon!
    Once your problem is solved please edit the first post of your topic and add [SOLVED] in front of the subject. In that way, others can benefit from your experience!


      Re: Weather in taskbar for KDE 4?

      Thanks for the reply. I just installed KDE 4.2 and added the widget LCD Weather Station and try to add my location as a ZIP code and none of the data sources can find it. Is this the right widget or is it buggy?


        Re: Weather in taskbar for KDE 4?

        Try adding just the city, no state, country, etc. Also, I have found the LCD Weather plasmoid to be the buggiest piece of 4.x i have ever used. Crashes plasma with nearly every try. But hopefully YMMV.


          Re: Weather in taskbar for KDE 4?

          the LCD plasmoid has been problematic, but it worked for me in 4.2, so maybe they fixed it.

          Also, there are other weather plasmoids can check out 'plasmoid-weather' from the repos (there are other plasmoids as well but they haven't made it to the official repos yet)


            Re: Weather in taskbar for KDE 4?

            I have tried just the city and it cannot be found from any source...

            Since this is so buggy, is there a better plasmoid that can be used for weather?


              Re: Weather in taskbar for KDE 4?

              Weather plasmoids

              Earlier > Re: Did kweather not get put in 8.10?

              Latest > A Holiday Present - Weather Plasmoid 1.0 is finished
              ...Well, I've been extremely busy on the weather plasmoid and finally, '1.0' is ready for use. It's now moved to kdereview so that any final bugs can be shaken out. This should arrive in extragear as soon as the review is completed...
              => Sources can be found:

              => and the binaries can be found: > PPA (Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu) >> Show PPAs matching: Plasmoid

              Note !

              Kubuntu repositories have: "Package plasmoid-weather". This is not the same as the KDE extragear weather plasmoid. So the PPA package is renamed: "plasmoid-weather-extragear" and it is conflicting with the official repo package (both have plasma-applet-weather.desktop):
              dpkg: error processing...
              trying to overwrite `/usr/share/kde4/services/plasma-applet-weather.desktop', which is also in package plasmoid-weather
              You can have either "plasmoid-weather" or "plasmoid-weather-extragear".

              Tested with the KDE 4.2 (Jaunty), but > Topic: Jaunty Jackalope plasmoids with the Intrepid Ibex (KDE4.2)

              plasmoid-weather-extragear is working from the desktop or from the panel.

              Before you edit, BACKUP !

              Why there are dead links ?
              1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
              2. Thread: Lost Information


                Re: Weather in taskbar for KDE 4?

                Thanks for the post, however I am new at Kubuntu and am unable to follow you entirely. How can I install the "plasmoid-weather-extragear" plasmoid?


                  Re: Weather in taskbar for KDE 4?

                  How can I install the "plasmoid-weather-extragear" plasmoid?

                  If you don't want to compile it yourself:

                  Using the PPA repositories

                  PPA repositories are:
                  Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

                  Personal Package Archives (PPA) allow you to upload Ubuntu source packages to be built and published as an apt repository by Launchpad. You can find out more about PPAs and how to use them in our help page.

                  #1 Downloading single packages from the PPA repositories

                  Go to the > PPA (Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu) and search packages that are interesting to you > Show PPAs matching: Plasmoid

                  Click > PPA for the Rog131 (or the other PPA's )

                  Read the warnings

                  Scroll down, there is "plasmoid-weather-extragear - 1.0~svn920016~jaunty~ppa2"

                  Click the little triangle on to left, now it will show:
                  Publishing details

                  * Published 19 hours ago


                  plasmoid-weather-extragear (1.0~svn920016~jaunty~ppa2) jaunty; urgency=low

                  * Added: kdebase-workspace-dev to the Build-Depends

                  -- Rog131 <email address hidden> Mon, 02 Feb 2009 12:53:43 +0200

                  Available diffs

                  * 1.0~svn920016~jaunty~ppa1 to 1.0~svn920016~jaunty~ppa2 (611 bytes)


                  * [FULLYBUILT] amd64
                  * [FULLYBUILT] i386
                  * [FAILEDTOBUILD] lpia

                  Built Packages

                  * plasmoid-weather-extragear a weather plasmoid

                  Download files from Librarian

                  * plasmoid-weather-extragear_1.0~svn920016~jaunty~ppa2.dsc (984 bytes)
                  * plasmoid-weather-extragear_1.0~svn920016~jaunty~ppa2.tar.gz (48.2 KiB)
                  * plasmoid-weather-extragear_1.0~svn920016~jaunty~ppa2_amd64.deb (72.0 KiB)
                  * plasmoid-weather-extragear_1.0~svn920016~jaunty~ppa2_i386.deb (71.6 KiB)
                  Available are binaries for the amd64 and i386

                  If you have amd64 download: "plasmoid-weather-extragear_1.0~svn920016~jaunty~ppa2_amd64.deb"

                  Othervise try "plasmoid-weather-extragear_1.0~svn920016~jaunty~ppa2_i386.deb"

                  After you have dowloaded: Right click the package > Open with > Gdebi /1/...

                  #2 Adding a PPA repository to the list of available repositories

                  There is > Installing software from a PPA
                  PPAs work like normal Ubuntu archives. You can install software in the usual way -- for example, through apt-get or synaptic -- and whenever there's an update Ubuntu will prompt you to install it.

                  Adding a PPA to your Ubuntu repositories

                  To install packages from a PPA, you need to tell Ubuntu where to find it. You do this by giving Ubuntu the PPA's URL, which you can find on the PPA's overview page....

                  Earlier > Topic: howto install root options in dolphin/konqueror

                  An example how i do it:

                  Finding a suitable PPA repository and READING the warnings, thinking a bit, is it safe etc...

                  Pressing Alt + F2 an typing /2/:
                  kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysources.list
                  adding there
                  deb [url][/url] jaunty main
                  saving and exit kate.

                  Adding a PPA's keys, again there is > Adding a PPA's keys to your system
                  Each PPA has its own unique key that is used to sign the packages in that archive. This lets you know that:

                  * the packages you're downloading haven't been altered since Launchpad built them
                  * you are downloading from the PPA you wanted.

                  Important: You download and install PPA packages at your own risk. Ubuntu, Launchpad and Canonical do not endorse these packages. You must be certain that you trust the PPA owner before you install their software...
                  and > GPG error: jaunty Release: The following

                  how i add keys:
                  This repository is signed with E651B8456BE95CCD2C39BF6BA47958D42B7E03A7 OpenPGP key.
                  In the konsole:
                  gpg --keyserver --recv 2B7E03A7
                  gpg --export --armor 2B7E03A7 | sudo apt-key add -

                  Updating the package database:
                  sudo apt-get update

                  Checking /3/ what will happen if i install. Will something to be removed ?:
                  sudo apt-get -s install <package>
                  What the package description tells:
                  apt-cache show plasmoid-weather-extragear
                  Description: a weather plasmoid
                  A weather plasmoid from the KDE extragear:
                  ! NOTE- If you install (when available ?) extragear package, remove this package -NOTE !
                  ! NOTE- This plasmoid conflicts with the plasmoid-weather from the official repositories -NOTE!
                  or use your favorite package manager > FAQ: Package Managers

                  If nothing bad seems to happen then
                  sudo apt-get install <package>

                  NOTE !

                  Sometimes, after installation you will (here , with the KDE 4.2, i need to) need to either:

                  a) log out and log in
                  b) or restart the plasma desktop with the konsole kommands (this is from > Development/Tutorials/Plasma/GettingStarted
                  Otherwise you can restart plasma, so the Applet will be displayed in the Applet Browser:

                  kquitapp plasma

                  /1/ Package: gdebi
                  Simple tool to install deb files

                  gdebi lets you install local deb packages resolving and installing its dependencies. apt does the same, but only for remote (http, ftp) located packages.

                  This package contains the graphical user interface.

                  /2/ sources.list.d is a safe way to add repositories as you don't edit the original sources.list:

                  man sources.list
                  The /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory provides a way to add
                  sources.list entries in seperate files that end with .list. The format
                  is the same as for the regular sources.list file.
                  /3/ man apt-get
                  -s, --simulate, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon, --no-act
                  No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur but do
                  not actually change the system.
                  Before you edit, BACKUP !

                  Why there are dead links ?
                  1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                  2. Thread: Lost Information

