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KDE 4.2 RC1 Broke Yakuake (2.9.3 & 2.9.4) Splitting. New Splits Blanked!

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    KDE 4.2 RC1 Broke Yakuake (2.9.3 & 2.9.4) Splitting. New Splits Blanked!

    Yakuake 2.9.3 was working perfectly on 4.1.3 and all I did was make the upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2 RC1. From this point on, Yakuake simply refused to make any legible splits. Every split simply ate up the space on the screen. To best describe it, its as if the border is fused into where the terminal should be. I am attaching a screenshot of a Yakuake 2.9.4 window with one brand new vertical split (to the right) and instead of there being a terminal, its just nothing...

    Anyone know what happened here? What could be the cause of this? Yakuake was working perfectly in 4.1. The upgrade appeared smooth as butter. Something got borked when it came to Yakuake

    Attached Files

    Re: KDE 4.2 RC1 Broke Yakuake (2.9.3 & 2.9.4) Splitting. New Splits Blanked!

    Once splitted you have to chose between options: two terminals horizontaly, verticaly, four in a grid...
    It works fine for me...
    No sorry it actually dosen't if I just use split, but if I use the previously mentioned option it works fine...
    I'm magnet for errors, problems and bugs...


      Re: KDE 4.2 RC1 Broke Yakuake (2.9.3 & 2.9.4) Splitting. New Splits Blanked!

      Are you saying that spitting vertically/horizontally in the current terminal view does not work for you? I never used the preset splits that open a new tab. this post is about splitting the current view. Can you no longer split either on KDE 4.2 RC1?


        Re: KDE 4.2 RC1 Broke Yakuake (2.9.3 & 2.9.4) Splitting. New Splits Blanked!

        I'm just confirming your bug...
        It's strange... Because in Konzole this option works... So something really went wrong with yakuake...
        I'm magnet for errors, problems and bugs...


          Re: KDE 4.2 RC1 Broke Yakuake (2.9.3 & 2.9.4) Splitting. New Splits Blanked!

          Seems there is a bug open for this and it also appears the author of Yakuake is hot on the tail of it here

