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Record Desktop [solved]

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    Record Desktop [solved]

    I am wanting to record a video of my desktop. I used Kwins built in recorder but the video was saved as a .cps and I have absolutely no idea what to do with it. There is one other post on these forums with the same issue but it was submitted almost a year ago and no-one replied to it. I'm wondering if I might have more luck.

    Does anyone know of a way to play .cps files?
    If not, what other recording program would you recommend?

    Re: Record Desktop

    You can use the program "recordmydesctop"


      Re: Record Desktop

      Does anyone know of a way to play .cps files?
      > KWin and the capseo thingy
      > Kwin Desktop-Effects now records screencaptures! So how do you play it's .cps file?


      Package: capseo
      video codec (binary files)

      This is the Capseo codec library, used for screen capturing with captury.


      BUT (with the KDE 4.2 (beta-2) Jaunty (alpha-2))

      cpsplay kwin_video1.cps
      error: This piece of cursed code is under development!
      Please use `cpsrecode movie.cps | mplayer -` to view your movie.

      Note !
      That syntax is wrong:
      ERROR: No input file specified
      I die...

      cpsrecode -i kwin_video1.cps -o - | mplayer -
      cpsrecode -i kwin_video1.cps -o - | mencoder - -o screen-capture.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=xvid:autoaspect=1
      Cannot seek backward in linear streams!
      Seek failed
      ============ Sorry, this file format is not recognized/supported =============
      === If this file is an AVI, ASF or MPEG stream, please contact the author! ===
      Cannot open demuxer.


      Maybe with the KDE 4.3 or with the KDE 4.4 or ... but as the "Wander" said the repositories have:

      Package: recordmydesktop
      Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session

      The application produces an ogg-encapsulated theora-vorbis file. recordMyDesktop tries to be as unobstrusive as possible by proccessing only regions of the screen that have changed
      Package: krecordmydesktop
      KDE frontend to recordmydesktop

      > Topic: qt-recordmydesktop deb/repository?
      > qt-recordMyDesktop
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: Record Desktop

        Excellent. Thanks to both of you.
        It automatically saves as audio only (.ogg) but a quick file extension change and it's fixed.
        One thing I noticed however is that it doesn't record straight away, but that could just be something to do with me using an intergrated graphics card on a laptop, and it doesn't finish recording when you click stop. It only ends once you have entered a location to save the file.

        Still, it's better than having a file that I can't open. Thanks again


          Re: Record Desktop

          Originally posted by boardstupid

          Still, it's better than having a file that I can't open. Thanks again
          I like your forum name!!

