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Digikam removes kdeplasma-addons?

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    Digikam removes kdeplasma-addons?


    When I try to install digikam, it wants to remove kdeplasma-addons and libkexiv2-7.

    How can we stop this from happening? I highly doubt that Digikam would have ANYTHING to do with plasmoids :-D


    Re: Digikam removes kdeplasma-addons?

    You're right, they aren't related. I have no idea why that happens from time to time.

    I could suggest as an alternative that you try to install digikam from this ppa: which has one of the more recent betas of digikam 2.0.10.

    Who knows, it could fix the dependency problems as well?


      Re: Digikam removes kdeplasma-addons?

      OK, I have added that repository and installed the latest beta version, however, I now get this error when trying to run it:

      digikam(12681) Phonon::KdePlatformPlugin::createBackend: using backend: "Xine"
      Starting to load Plugins.
      Files: "initrd.img"
      Files: "initrd.img.old"
      Files: "vmlinuz"
      Files: "vmlinuz.old"
      === MarbleDirs: ===
      Local Path: "/home/jgiles/.marble/data"
      Plugin Local Path: "/home/jgiles/.marble/plugins"
      Marble Data Path (Run Time) : ""
      Marble Data Path (Compile Time): "/usr/share/kde4/apps/marble/data"
      Marble Plugin Path (Run Time) : ""
      Marble Plugin Path (Compile Time): "/usr/lib/kde4/plugins/marble"
      System Path: ""
      Plugin System Path: ""
      "initrd.img" - "/boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-9-generic"
      Plugin Failure: "initrd.img" is not a valid Marble Plugin:
      "The file '/boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-9-generic' is not a valid Qt plugin."
      "initrd.img.old" - "/boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic"
      Plugin Failure: "initrd.img.old" is not a valid Marble Plugin:
      "The file '/boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic' is not a valid Qt plugin."
      "vmlinuz" - "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-9-generic"
      Plugin Failure: "vmlinuz" is not a valid Marble Plugin:
      "The file '/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-9-generic' is not a valid Qt plugin."
      "vmlinuz.old" - "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic"
      Plugin Failure: "vmlinuz.old" is not a valid Marble Plugin:
      "The file '/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic' is not a valid Qt plugin."
      cannot open "" for reading
      cannot open "" for reading
      fstat error
      mmap error for input
      fstat error
      mmap error for input
      Unable to start Dr. Konqi
      Anyone know why they are trying to load the Linux Kernal and initrd files as plugins :-D...

      I have managed to get my files off my camera using gphoto, so I am not stuck, but I would very much like to get this fixed; or at the very least install an application that works.

      Can someone recommend another application I can use to manage my photos?



        Re: Digikam removes kdeplasma-addons?

        You just need to install Marble and things should work.

        Picasa 3 has been released for Linux. I haven't tried it, but I know the Windows version is top notch.


          Re: Digikam removes kdeplasma-addons?

          Ooohh.. Nice... Yes, its working now. Interesting that the original package I installed didn't flag Marble as a dep.

          Thanks though



            Re: Digikam removes kdeplasma-addons?

            Same thing happened to me.

