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[SOLVED Sorta] Can't turn off old Current application's menu bar (Mac-OS Style)

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    [SOLVED Sorta] Can't turn off old Current application's menu bar (Mac-OS Style)

    The setting used to be under Desktop - System Settings, Behavior, General, Menu Bar at Top of Screen. Now all I see is a gray bar across the top of the screen, which inconveniently hides the title bar of newly opened windows. This only appears in one user account; the others, which never had it turned on, are fine.

    The settings window image is attached to this post.

    The only work-around I've found is to turn on Compiz Desktop Effects, but that has a whole lotta problems of its own, i.e, windows can't be moved or resized.

    I am running Kubuntu 8.10.

    And yes, I searched this forum, searched w/yahoo & google w/no success. Any suggestions are appreciated.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
    Unfortunately, the only solution I found was to completely reinstall Kubuntu. I tried deleting .kde, kwinrc, and plasmarc, none worked. After my password mysteriously went bye-bye, I didn't have much choice except to reinstall.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
    Attached Files

    Re: Kubuntu 8.10 - Can't turn off old Current application's menu bar (Mac-OS Style)

    Here's what the menu bar looks like (it's the gray band stretching across the top of the screenshot).
    Attached Files


      Re: Kubuntu 8.10 - Can't turn off old Current application's menu bar (Mac-OS Style)

      I can duplicate a similar bar in KDE4 by adding a panel to the top. Unfortunately your picture does not show the right corner, where I have a "cashew"

      I can remove this bar by right clicking on it and choosing "Remove this panel"

      Is this the same as your problem
      "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
      "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


        Re: Kubuntu 8.10 - Can't turn off old Current application's menu bar (Mac-OS Style)

        arochester - no, it's not the same (I tried that also). There's a cashew up there, but it doesn't affect the menu bar. I heard off-line from another forum member that he too experienced this problem, and confirmed it was there in the previous version of Kubuntu. The only fix was a clean install. Arrggghhh...

        As luck (or more accurately, lack thereof) would have it, I ended up doing a complete reinstall. I tried whacking .kde, but that didn't help. I also tried removing kwinrc and plasmarc, also no luck. Then I took a power hit along with a power outage, and even though I have a battery backup with a heavy-duty surge protector, I somehow lost the ability to log in. Triple witching hour, a day after the fullest moon of 2008 :-0.

        So I just completed a completely rebuilt Linux - this time, I did a partitioned install so I won't get into so much trouble next time. Or maybe I should say (since I like to get in trouble) that it will be easier to get OUT of trouble! 3 partitions: /, swap, and /home. I used these instructions, which although dated to Kubuntu 6.x era, are useful-->

        Thanks for the follow-up, I appreciate it - renews my faith in this forum.

