Hi There,
Thanks for looking. I have a fresh install of kubuntu 810 on my thinkpad t60. Everything works on it including the wifi indicator and ethernet port - much better than with Hardy. However I have tried video playback and it just opens what ever program i choose ( Kaffeine and VLC with LIBDVDCSS2 is installed as is win32codecs).
The application loads and plays the first second of audio, the playback window opens usually as well but is blank, then everything closes without an error. The application doesn't go into, standby - waiting for next command, the application closes completely with no error. I have tried 2 different media players. Sound works fine for other things and games are fine as well.
Has anyone else seen this?
Thanks for looking. I have a fresh install of kubuntu 810 on my thinkpad t60. Everything works on it including the wifi indicator and ethernet port - much better than with Hardy. However I have tried video playback and it just opens what ever program i choose ( Kaffeine and VLC with LIBDVDCSS2 is installed as is win32codecs).
The application loads and plays the first second of audio, the playback window opens usually as well but is blank, then everything closes without an error. The application doesn't go into, standby - waiting for next command, the application closes completely with no error. I have tried 2 different media players. Sound works fine for other things and games are fine as well.
Has anyone else seen this?