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Deleted the default KDE panel and want it back

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    Deleted the default KDE panel and want it back

    Hello, 5 days ago I had a running version of Kubuntu 8.10 with KDE 4 (don't know version #) and accidentally deleted the panel. How can I get the default panel back? It showed clock, desktop number, K launcher, etc, and I could put move application launchers on to if for Kmail and Konqueror etc. I tred adding a panel but it doesn't seem to work. Is it possible to get the original default panel from somwhere, that worked the best.. Is the default panel on the CD, perhaps I can install it from there.

    Re: Deleted the default KDE panel and want it back

    1. Launch Dolphin and go to ./kde/share/config
    2. Press Alt-F2 and type "kquitapp plasma". This will turn your plasma desktop off.
    3. Alt-tab back to Dolphin and delete the files plasmarc and plasma-appletsrc.
    4. Press Alt-F2 again and type "plasma". This should restart plasma and your plasmarc and plasma-appletsrc files should be rewritten with default values.

    I'm pretty sure this will work, and it certainly can't hurt your system if it doesn't.


      Re: Deleted the default KDE panel and want it back

      If Nate's method doesn't work, just open the Konsole or go to the CLI, and at your home directory prompt do

      mv .kde .kde_bak
      Then restart the X server, log in, and you should get a clean KDE4 desktop and panel.

      NOTE: previous settings will be all gone, so you get to reconfigure from scratch.


        Re: Deleted the default KDE panel and want it back

        Thanks very much to Nate and dibl I got my kde panel back. I tried dibl's method and it worked out fine. Now that I got the panel back should I delete the .kde_bak file I just created in the home/.kde directory?
        Would you recomment any documentation I can read in order to learn kde?


          Re: Deleted the default KDE panel and want it back


          Yes, you can delete that .kde_bak file if you wish.

          I would say the best thing you can do is browse through this forum, looking at the posts in the past 2 months under 8.10. Since you've got 8.10/KDE4, there's not a lot of purpose in learning KDE 3.5 packages now. Most packages have some built-in help. Probably you should just go at it based on what you want to do.

          For *buntu Linux, the best book I've found is Beginning Ubuntu Linux by Keir Thomas.


            Re: Deleted the default KDE panel and want it back

            Originally posted by dcas1
            Hello, 5 days ago I had a running version of Kubuntu 8.10 with KDE 4 (don't know version #) and accidentally deleted the panel. How can I get the default panel back? It showed clock, desktop number, K launcher, etc, and I could put move application launchers on to if for Kmail and Konqueror etc. I tred adding a panel but it doesn't seem to work. Is it possible to get the original default panel from somwhere, that worked the best.. Is the default panel on the CD, perhaps I can install it from there.
            I find the easiest way to return to a default situation is to type rm ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* and reboot.

