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WINE is awesome

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    WINE is awesome

    So after struggling for the better half of this year to get wine to launch my Command & Conquer 3 tonight after being hell bent on getting it to run. i finally got it. So after I got that to run under WINE I started to experiment with other things. The only thing that I haven't got to run under WINE so far is .net 2.0. This isn't a big deal but the company I work for does all of our development in .net. I would just love to show my boss our program running in Linux and maybe one of these days it'll come. I also got that free copy of cross over the other day when it was being offered and it's pretty slick but I do understand the controversy there. Sorry this isn't much of a question or a how to post I'm just so psyched that I finally got some stuff to work under WINE and I wanted to share it with those who would understand. Tried to explain it to the wife however she just gave me a blank stare and walked away. Sigh maybe one of these days I can get her to let go of XP and switch over to the brighter side. Ya'll have a good night I'm off to bed.
    Kubuntu II on both Laptop and Desktop and some servers here at the office

    Re: WINE is awesome

    Originally posted by TheFuzz4
    Tried to explain it to the wife however she just gave me a blank stare and walked away.
    Ha! Welcome to the club
    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


      Re: WINE is awesome

      What is Wine? I have heard of it, just never knew what it is.



        Re: WINE is awesome

        Originally posted by theAdmiral
        What is Wine? I have heard of it, just never knew what it is.

        Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X, OpenGL, and Unix.

        Think of Wine as a compatibility layer for running Windows programs. Wine does not require Microsoft Windows, as it is a completely free alternative implementation of the Windows API consisting of 100% non-Microsoft code, however Wine can optionally use native Windows DLLs if they are available. Wine provides both a development toolkit for porting Windows source code to Unix as well as a program loader, allowing many unmodified Windows programs to run on x86-based Unixes, including Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, and Solaris.
        The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason .....Benjamin Franklin<br />Kubuntu 9.10 x64&nbsp; Xbuntu 9.10 x64&nbsp; Win7 x64 Ultimate<br />Linux User: 416878&nbsp; &nbsp; Kubuntu User: 22154


          Re: WINE is awesome

          Originally posted by TheFuzz4
          Tried to explain it to the wife however she just gave me a blank stare and walked away. Sigh maybe one of these days I can get her to let go of XP and switch over to the brighter side.
          My wife looks at me as tho I have 2 heads some times. I am LOL after reading this caus it is my story.

          Here is how I got my wife to use linux, rebuild all the machines I have in a dual boot with Kubuntu as the first os in the list.

          I sat my wife down and showed her how to select windows as the machines boot up (he he he). All she was hearing was bla bla bla. So now when she boots up a computer it goes right to linux. I do have one XP box for the kids to use as a tv, and dvd player, and I run edbuntu in virtual box on it.

          Now for Wine, I just found out it will run Tribes2 with out any issue so I am putting that on my desktop this weekend.

          Noel VH
          ++Noel Vh++<br />Desktop support Lv II, III<br />Large Pharma company<br />New Jersey USA


            Re: WINE is awesome

            Originally posted by theAdmiral
            What is Wine? I have heard of it, just never knew what it is.

            It's simply a step up from Beer.

            Easy, huh?

