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digikam - cannot delete files

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    digikam - cannot delete files

    I've got digikam installed on Kubuntu II and I cannot delete files in digikam. The error message I get is:

    Could not rename file /home/$me/Pictures/image.jpg
    The permissions for the folder and files are correct so I can't understand why this is happening.

    Any ideas?

    Re: digikam - cannot delete files

    Hmmmm. Do you have the ability to delete other files from your user folder? How about other files from your "Pictures" folder? Do some experiments saving and deleting files in those folders -- it may or may not be a Digikam problem. Like, what are the permission on your trashcan folder?


      Re: digikam - cannot delete files

      Permissions are fine - I can delete files in the Pictures folder in a variety of ways including via gwenview which makes me think it's a digikam problem.

      Permissions for /home/$me/.local/share/Trash are:

      user - can view & modify content
      group - forbidden
      others - forbidden


        Re: digikam - cannot delete files

        I am confused. You are talking about this folder: /home/$me/.local/share/Trash

        Well, you cannot throw things out of the trash, you can only empty it. Are you opening files in digikam which are in the trash folder already?

        Also, I would be most surprised if digikam were able to muddle up permissions. I'd rather look for the mistake in mixed up paths...
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          Re: digikam - cannot delete files

          Toad -

          I have a bunch of image files in /home/$me/Pictures

          I can view images in these folders using digikam, gvewview, dolphin etc. the problem is that I cannot delete files via digikam, even though I can delete them via gvewview, dolphin etc.

          The /local/share/Trash bit was just to reply to dibl who asked what the permissions on that directory were, as well as permissions for /home/$me/Pictures

          I'm not trying to look at or delete files in Trash particularly, I'm just trying to delete files when in digikam. So I look at a picture & think "that's rubbish - I'll delete it" but can't. If I was looking at the same file in gwenview/dophin/whatever I could look at it and think "that's rubbish - I'll delete it" and delete will work....


            Re: digikam - cannot delete files

            Well, now that you've done the experiments, it sounds like a bug in Digikam to me. If Dolphin will let you delete a file, and Digikam won't, that suggests that the problem does not lie in KDE4 or Kubuntu, but in the Digikam package.

            Although it's an odd one .....


              Re: digikam - cannot delete files

              I have the same issue.


                Re: digikam - cannot delete files

                Okay, I finally got round to testing it myself and, surprise surprise, you are correct (as if I ever doubted it ).

                It appears digikam wants to dump stuff in ~/Desktop/Trash

                Of course ~/Desktop/Trash doesn't exist :P

                I checked ~/.kde/share/config/digikamrc but could only find two references to Trash under General Settings:

                [General Settings]
                Apply Sidebar Changes Directly=false
                Scan At Start=true
                Setup Page=14
                Show Splash=false
                Show Trash Delete Dialog=true
                Use Trash=true
                So I suppose the only workaround I can think of on the spot is to create ~/Desktop/Trash by doing an:
                mkdir ~/Desktop/Trash
                Haven't tried it, but it should work...

                The other possibility is of course to change digikamrc to read

                Use Trash=false
                But if that does what I think it does then one misplaced click means that picture has gone to digital heaven...
                Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                  Re: digikam - cannot delete files

                  toad -

                  Neither of those workarounds make any difference - I still can't delete files within digikam...


                    Re: digikam - cannot delete files

                    Just out of curiosity:
                    Is this a KDE3 application in KDE4 desktop kind of problem?

                    Wasn't the location of the trash folder changed?

                    Seems like someone needs to repack digikam?


                      Re: digikam - cannot delete files

                      Replying to myself here because I am adding new information:

                      It is possible to rename files within digikam, but not to move the files to trash.

                      I tried this solution:
                      ln -s /home/myuser/.local/share/Trash /home/myuser/Desktop/Trash
                      I thought this should symlink the old kde3 trash to the new kde4 trash, but i still got the same error message.


                        Re: digikam - cannot delete files

                        Okay, in that case another workaround (again, I haven't tried it yet...). Move unwanted piccies to a tmp folder from where you can delete them manually...

                        I wouldn't want to make a new package, doesn't seem worth the bother seeing that this is no serious drawback (imho).
                        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                          Re: digikam - cannot delete files

                          I think heinkel might be right - Help>About shows Digikam 0.9.4 using KDE 3.5.10.

                          And because I'm on Intrepid I'm using kde4.something

                          toad - because I can delete files in other ways this isin't an enourmous problem but it's still irritating. Hopefully the kde4 beta of digikam will sort this in a few weeks time...


                            Re: digikam - cannot delete files

                            My wife had the same problem on a new installation of Kubuntu 8.10, KDE 4.1.2 on a Toshiba A75.
                            She told me she couldn't delete photos from within digikam, so she made a folder called "trash".
                            She sent all the photos to be deleted to "trash' and then deleted the whole "trash" folder.
                            Then she created another "trash" folder.
                            When I read this thread to her, she said "of course, it works".
                            Maybe DigiKam will supply a fix.


                              Re: digikam - cannot delete files

                              When you try to delete the file, what happens when you hold the shift key down? Does it delete the file without trying to send it to the nonexistent trash folder? I don't have digikam installed, so can't experiment.

