I upgraded to 8.10 last night and into this morning. First, the upgrade seemed to have completed with no issues, until i logged in. KDE 3.5.2 crashed, numerous times. i did a full upgrade, much to my dismay it was not a full upgrade. after 2 hours of upgrading packages i still have over 1000 that didn't get upgraded, after i downloaded almost 1.5GB of stuff during the night. So now i have KDE 4.2.1 installed, that was a horrible nightmare to get apt to actually download the list of packages from the ibex Dev repository. I logged in, UH-OH, X is totally screwed up. The resolution was wrong, even though my original xorg config file was still unchanged. KDE refused to load any of the "widgets" that i have heard so much about. When pidgin opened up, it refused to stay connected when i minimized it to the system tray, and the kmenu only had 2 applications listed in it. So i ctrl+alt+bksp out to the console, did _another_ dpkg --dist-upgrade and waited while it downloaded another 847 packages. Somewhere in the middle of dpkg settings them all up, a few failed. it didn't tell me. when it was done, it rebooted the computer for me. This was a very bad move because it uninstalled all of my old kernels, and it didn't set the new one up. i had to get a cd out just to boot into it so i could fix that. I got it to boot using 2.6.19, but i had no sound, no network, no usb support. This is "normal", or so it says on a few posts on the ubuntu forums. I know its not, ive been using Linux since 1994, I'm not a newbie. After checking in /lib for modules, i discovered that i had no /lib/modules/*. it was empty. So i extracted the kernel packages and manually placed files where they should be. Now this takes us to my current issue. 2.6.27-7 seems to have found a LAN card that isn't in my computer and makes it the default route. my sound skips no matter what application I'm using (i tried pulse, tried alsa with no pulse, tried loading different sound modules), when i do the alt+f2 to bring up the run dialog, nothing shows up, but i can just type a command and it will load. i still cant get any damn widgets to work, and now no users, except for root, can use anything that is USB. Also, the dumbest thing ever just happened. digikam was working 10 minutes ago, i connected my camera, copied the pictures to an album and closed it. my wife took another picture, i plugged the camera in, digikam refused to load. i opened it in a terminal and now i have lib errors with kipi. nothing changed since it was last working.
If any of you have any ideas about this, or recommend i try anything, please let me know.
If any of you have any ideas about this, or recommend i try anything, please let me know.