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Adept search not working

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    Adept search not working

    I have just installed 8.10 (from a CD I downloaded this morning), as a clean install on an IBM X60s, and Adept does not seem to be working properly.

    If I go to K/System/Adept Manager Package Manager, and search for apache, I would expect to see (among other things), the package to install apache, but I only see a 4 installed packages (green box) with apache in the description. Clicking the Blue box - show available packages filter doesn't do anything.
    When I used I used sudo apt-get install gimp (there was the same problem as above), it worked fine.

    I am not sure if this is a bug, or just me doing something wrong. Help!

    I can supply more details if needed.

    Other than that, everything so far is working out of the box, thanks everyone!

    Re: Adept search not working

    Ensure that the cd-rom repository in Adept Manager isn't checked. If it is, uncheck it and click on Fetch Updates.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Adept search not working

      The software sources I have are:
      Kubuntu: All except source (partial tick), download from Server for US (where I am)
      Third Party: None
      Updates: Important security updates, recommended updates, check for updates daily
      NOT: prereleased updates, unsupported updates
      Authentication: Ubuntu Archive signing key, Ubuntu CD key
      Stats: Yes to popularity contest

      Fetch gives me a bunch of OK and cached, with failed for the some translation EN_US (it flashes by too fast for me to read.

      The CD is no longer in the drive.

      There has been no change in the behaviour - there are still no installable packages shown when I search apache (or anything else)

      One thing I just noticed is that when I click on details, I am told that I am running Version 3.0~beta4ubuntu5. This has reminded me that I downloaded the image from a torrent pointed to by, not a mirrored CD image.

      Thanks for your help


        Re: Adept search not working

        Indeed, Adept manager in 8.10 version is confusing. By the way, does somebody know how to turn on SunJava so that I can watch videos on YouTube? I have already installed Adobe flash player.


          Re: Adept search not working

          I just upgraded my HH 8.04 KDE 4.1.2 system to II 8.10 KDE 4.1.2 this evening - without any problems. When you open Adept Manager and click on Search, you need to tell the program the State (of available packages) you want to filter on. If you are only seeing four 'installed' packages matching the search "apache" then it means you are filtering only on installed packages. Click the blue outline box to the right of State: to Show available (not installed) packages. You'll find A LOT more packages matching your search item.
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: Adept search not working

            Count me as very disappointed in the new Adept. The interface is just awful. The functionality is broken for searches. Wow. More and more I think opensuse 11.1 is going to get a shot with me.


              Re: Adept search not working

              Well, I'm in agreement that the new Adept Manager isn't as informative as that in HH, but that being said, one can always use Synaptic Package Manager. I have Synaptic installed as well. It appears to be just the same in II as it was in HH.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Adept search not working

                Originally posted by Snowhog
       can always use Synaptic Package Manager...
                That program does work just great... perhaps even better than the old Adept, but unfortunately whenever I have the gtk-kde themes installed I get nothing but hundreds of scim-panel-gtk processes and it really slows my machine down... uninstalling the gtk themes fixes that everytime, but I am left with craptacular looking gtk apps.


                  Re: Adept search not working

                  Another vote against Adept from here.

                  It's confusing, when it starts up the package list is empty and I have to enable/disable the display of installed/upgradeable/available packages more or less at random before it actually starts showing stuff.

                  Search returns results in no discernible order and there is no way to sort them

                  And worst, search only works with a search term of 4 letters or more, which means I can't search, for example, on what package might work with some new file extension or what new stuff is available to read a DVD

                  Rather than Adept 3 they should have called it Adept XP


                    Re: Adept search not working

                    Adept is about as useful as a chocolate tea-pot.

                    In my opinion.


                      Re: Adept search not working

                      There were some updates available. After installing the updates I found a new Adept manager and Synaptic Package Manager. It's ok now. You find them in main Menu>System.


                        Re: Adept search not working

                        chocolate tea pot... delicious...

                        I like adept but usually can't be arsed to wait for it to come up. Command line apt-get is the way forward
                        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                          Re: Adept search not working

                          Originally posted by toad
                          chocolate tea pot... delicious...

                          I like adept but usually can't be arsed to wait for it to come up. Command line apt-get is the way forward
                          "chocolate tea pot" - in Suffolk that's a polite way of saying "Not a lot of good".... after all, it would melt, wouldn't it.

                          The trouble with the Command line is that one has to know exactly what one wants, I find it easier to *click* buttons.

                          ... yup, "Idle" is my middle name.


                            Re: Adept search not working

                            I was aware of the chocolate teapot metaphor Still sounds delicious in a Homer Simpson kind of way - and melted chocolate!!! Wicked!

                            As for looking for something:

                            apt-cache search name_of_package_or_part_thereof_or_anything_whatso ever_at_all_really

                            If you get too many answers:

                            apt-cache search name_of_package_or_part_thereof_or_anything_whatso ever_at_all_really | grep filter

                            where filter stands for, well, self explanatory, really...

                            Try it, not chocolate teapot there, you will find...
                            Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                              Re: Adept search not working


                              I have checked, and do have the blue 'state' box checked, but will admit it took me a while to figure that out.

                              I have solved the problem though - I installed Synaptic, which said that it needed to build an index. Once it did this, then Adept search started working. As I cannot see a "build index button", I can only assume that there isn't one, and that Adept therefore has a bug in that it does not build an index when first started. Does this sound right?

