Hi everybody,
Long time no see.
Just installed Kubuntu 8.10. Looks good so fare, except the Dolphin/Konqueror mess. I just can't stand Dolphin and it seems, that I'm now forced to leave it installed....However, I'd like to have a fully working Konqueror (as it was with 3.5). How can I achieve that?
Thanks for a hint!
Uhm, how I'm supposed to zip/encrypt/do-anything-what-you-would-do-on-a-desktop-machine?? Aaarrrggghhh, those unnecessary changes are just a pain in the ...neck...
Long time no see.

Just installed Kubuntu 8.10. Looks good so fare, except the Dolphin/Konqueror mess. I just can't stand Dolphin and it seems, that I'm now forced to leave it installed....However, I'd like to have a fully working Konqueror (as it was with 3.5). How can I achieve that?
Thanks for a hint!
Uhm, how I'm supposed to zip/encrypt/do-anything-what-you-would-do-on-a-desktop-machine?? Aaarrrggghhh, those unnecessary changes are just a pain in the ...neck...