Well I gave 8.10 a test run yesterday and today.
My first thoughts are I like the look, but I would not make the switch any time soon.
This is not a bash of the new platform but what I found that I did not like or things I could not live with for an OS.
I like desktop icons, and the ability to make them with ease. I was able to make them under KDE4 but had to brows to them and then drag them. Also there is not right click menu on them as I am used to having. It's not till you are in Dolphin till your get a rc menu. For me this dose not make the computer easier to use! Also I do not like the little menu that pops up next to an icon on the desktop.
Next I can not play non enyc DVD using the Dragon player (this sucks) the player states that there in no media. Also I have to go through Dolphin, or the K menu to even see if there is a disk mounted.
Power management on my laptop dose not work with regards to the monitor. It should turn it off after a time but it dose not, it goes black but leaves the back light on.
System setting are less than friendly, or I should say they are just less. I was able to find every thing fine, but compared to KDE3.5 this is not going to work for me. I like the ability to change all parts of my system.
Desktop effects are well BORING compared to compiz. I did not try to install compiz but the way they are toted, as being like such.
Over all I give it a thumbs down, compared to Kubuntu 8.04.1 with KDE 3.5.10. I can not take the time to learn some thing new that is missing the core of what I need. If looks are what you want then its great, but functionality is missing and in a big way.
There are some good things like Dolphin 1.1 is very cool, but not enough to hook me.
Noel Vh
My first thoughts are I like the look, but I would not make the switch any time soon.
This is not a bash of the new platform but what I found that I did not like or things I could not live with for an OS.
I like desktop icons, and the ability to make them with ease. I was able to make them under KDE4 but had to brows to them and then drag them. Also there is not right click menu on them as I am used to having. It's not till you are in Dolphin till your get a rc menu. For me this dose not make the computer easier to use! Also I do not like the little menu that pops up next to an icon on the desktop.
Next I can not play non enyc DVD using the Dragon player (this sucks) the player states that there in no media. Also I have to go through Dolphin, or the K menu to even see if there is a disk mounted.
Power management on my laptop dose not work with regards to the monitor. It should turn it off after a time but it dose not, it goes black but leaves the back light on.
System setting are less than friendly, or I should say they are just less. I was able to find every thing fine, but compared to KDE3.5 this is not going to work for me. I like the ability to change all parts of my system.
Desktop effects are well BORING compared to compiz. I did not try to install compiz but the way they are toted, as being like such.
Over all I give it a thumbs down, compared to Kubuntu 8.04.1 with KDE 3.5.10. I can not take the time to learn some thing new that is missing the core of what I need. If looks are what you want then its great, but functionality is missing and in a big way.
There are some good things like Dolphin 1.1 is very cool, but not enough to hook me.
Noel Vh