I've just upgraded to Intrepid from Hardy. So far the biggest shock is no apparent bluetooth support for KDE. I have small requirements - I just use bluetooth to send and receive data from my PDA. So far no luck. I have kdebluetooth installed, but when I plug in my adapter nothing happens as if daemon was not working. According to logs my adapter is properly recognized (it was working with Hardy just fine) . When I start kbluetooth4 from console I get "KBluetooth4 is already running!" reply.
Any ideas how to pair 2 devices together? Is there any pin manager available for KDE4? What about service menus? How do I send a file? Any help will be appreciated.
I've just upgraded to Intrepid from Hardy. So far the biggest shock is no apparent bluetooth support for KDE. I have small requirements - I just use bluetooth to send and receive data from my PDA. So far no luck. I have kdebluetooth installed, but when I plug in my adapter nothing happens as if daemon was not working. According to logs my adapter is properly recognized (it was working with Hardy just fine) . When I start kbluetooth4 from console I get "KBluetooth4 is already running!" reply.
Any ideas how to pair 2 devices together? Is there any pin manager available for KDE4? What about service menus? How do I send a file? Any help will be appreciated.