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Three issues in Ibex, anyone got ideas?

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    Three issues in Ibex, anyone got ideas?

    Hello all,

    There are three things I've noticed in Ibex that are issues for me. Previously I had KDE 4.1 installed on Heron on this laptop so I know KDE 4 works well enough to do this stuff.

    1. DVD playback is poor.

    Every five seconds the screen hitches for a split second, the audio plays fine. As the screen hitches the mouse will appear in full screen mode. I suspect this is due to something updating in kwin/plasma that is stealing screen focus. You could set your watch to it. The issue happens in Dragon player, Kaffeine, and VLC

    2. External monitor settings to not stick.

    I have my Dell D620 laptop docked most of the time to a Dell 19" monitor running through VGA. on the Heron/KDE 4.1 setup on boot the laptop screen would power off and the 19" monitor would power on with the correct resolution. Now I have to go into the monitor settings on boot and do this manually which does work but is annoying.

    3. It's time for a KDE package for Firefox everybody.

    This is more of a peeve (and I hate complaining in forums because I know how non constructive it is) but if I'm missing something I want to know. I think it's silly we have to install a lot of Gnome packages to get a functioning Firefox. Specifically I'm talking about how widgets look terrible out of the box and installing firefox-gnome-support to get file associations to work is silly. With the venting over am I missing something? Has this been corrected?

    I posted this in the Ibex forum in and so far there's not a lot of action. Anyone here have any tips?

    BTW the major stats on my system are as follows.
    Dell Latitude D620 (docked most of the time)

    Intel Core2Duo@1.66GHZ
    2 GB Ram
    100GB SATA HD
    Intel 945GM graphics adapter
    Intel HDA audio.

    Any suggestions?


    Re: Three issues in Ibex, anyone got ideas?

    1) I don't see it on my system (P4-M 2ghz, 1gb ram, 32mb ati video), unless I am using dragon player, and it is only if I am running something in the background.
    this makes me think it is a video issue. But I don't have any tips but there are plenty of google hits on Intel 945GM+Intrepid

    2) I have seen a few bugs/post/etc on this, but don't know if it is a Kubuntu specific problem or an xorg/ubuntu one. Here is a relevant bug report to follow

    3) KDE is a KDE-specific distro, and as such have chosen Konqueror as the default browser. It isn't about to change anytime soon, unless the recent work on the QT front end gives us something stable and usable (my speculation here). I don't believe the Ubuntu firefox crew want/need to be supporting 2 different builds.
    Usually in the development process, these sort of issues (file associations, etc) are addressed


      Re: Three issues in Ibex, anyone got ideas?

      I'm having the same problem with video. It's not just DVD, but all video playback. I've tried Dragon Player, VLC, Mplayer, Totem-xine, Totem-gstreamer, and it's the same in all. There's a problem even when watching flash videos.

      I have the intel x3100 (g965) chipset.

      I'd figured it may have had something to do w/ plasma since system monitor shows it spiking to 30% CPU usage every 5 seconds or so. I've also noticed a similar "stutter" every few seconds while dragging windows around. Though if people w/ different chipsets don't have problems it must have to do w/ the intel driver (although more powerful cards could just be handling the problem more gracefully).

      I've tried different output settings, different codecs, playing w/o compositing, and nothing seems to work.

      Any ideas? Or anything I can do to figure out the problem?


