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Broken winbind update - how to fix

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    Broken winbind update - how to fix

    This morning I did my updates and got a newer winbind. The update script fails to complete though, because the startup script is missing a line.

    Setting up winbind (2:3.2.0-4ubuntu2) ...
    /etc/init.d/winbind: 54: Syntax error: ")" unexpected (expecting ";;")
    invoke-rc.d: initscript winbind, action "start" failed.
    dpkg: error processing winbind (--configure):
    subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2
    To fix it, you just need edit /etc/init.d/winbind. Insert a new line 53 containing ';;' before the '*)' line

            status_of_proc -p $WINBINDPID $DAEMON winbind && exit 0 || exit $?
    Then, re-run your dist-upgrade (i.e. 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'.

    Specs:  Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (@3Ghz), G.SKILL 4GB DDR2 1066, ASUS Striker II Formula MB, Asus EN9800GTX+ Dark Knight, ABS Tagan BZ800 PS, Antec 900 Case.

    Re: Broken winbind update - how to fix


    Off topic, were you able to install an Nvidia driver for that 9600GT? If so, which one, and how did you install it? I've reinstalled Intrepid three times since Monday -- every time I install an Nvidia driver it blows up KDM and I can't undo the damage and ever get a GUI again.



      Re: Broken winbind update - how to fix

      Hi Dibl,
      I might be able to help on this one.I'm using the latest from the Nvidia website.
      I came across the problem when I was using the 177 beta drvers.When I first installed it, and started X,it came up with the error someting like"cannot fin RGB path".So I looked at the Ububntu forums with my windows partition and it came up with if you put a # in front of the RGB path in your xorg.conf(I'll post my copy of it with this rely)and hey presto! I get the desktop again!

      I have a couple of problems myself,since I'm using the latest nvidia driver,I want to fine tune it.The problem is,I usually have two konsoles open,one for bringing-up the manual for nvidia-xconfig,and another one to input the settings using nvidia-xconfig.But when I put in sudo man nvidia-xconfig,it comes up with command not found.I don't know if the nvidia developers are going to put new options to nvidia-xconfig,or it is something else,I just don't know.

      The other problem is when after logging in,the sart-up icons progress but freeze on the K icon,when I click on it,it comes up with a wierd message,I can't remember what it is,and I have tried to save the error message by copying and pasting after I click ok on the message.

      Attached Files


        Re: Broken winbind update - how to fix

        Aha -- thank you Steve!


        Yes, I've tried both and I've tried installing them via the "Restricted Drivers Manager", via apt-get install nvidia-glx-173, and also using the downloaded Nvidia installer. I did have an Nvidia driver working for the first 4 hours after I installed Intrepid on Monday, but never again, and I'm not sure which version that one was. Subsequent updates must be preventing a correct installation, I guess, although I re-installed last night and tried to install the driver before I dist-upgraded, and it still won't run the X server.

        Yes, I also got the "cannot find RgbPath" error when trying to start X. After I commented out that line in xorg.conf, and attempted to restart the X server, the next error was "cannot find file dri2" (approxmately) and cannot find another file, and it ends up with the "no usable screens found" situation.

        Then, after I ran
        apt-get remove --purge nvidia*
        and then restored the original xorg.conf that the installer set up, it still won't run the X server -- it still refers to the "cannot find dri1... whatever" error. So it is a non-reversible situation (at least for amateurs like me!).

        However, your comment about nvidia-xconfig may be relevant. Did you notice that there is now an nvidia-xconfig package listed in the repo? I wonder if that one should be used in lieu of the one that comes with the driver. Hmmmm, I wonder how the system would know which one to use, if you install the one from the repo? Hmmmmm!

        How did you install the driver -- did you run the downloaded installer?


          Re: Broken winbind update - how to fix

          Hi dibl,
          If you're trying the 177.XXX drivers,I think you need that driver from the Nvidia website and the driver patch from the Ubuntu forums and apply the patch to the driver before you use it.I think the reason is(from what I remember) is that the new kernels for Intrepid are "xen"
          kernels(I remember it being mentioned from the U.D.S conference that was held in Prague.I if you look into the Ubuntu Forum,it should be in the Development and Programming section.

          I have seen the separate nvidia-xconfig package from the repo's,but I've always thought it was for the Restricted Drivers,or for the Nvidia-glx-new packages,hence why I've been a bit apprehensive about using it.I've always used the one that came with the driver from the nvidia website.

          The steps I take to installing the driver from the nvidia website are this:

          1)download the driver to your home folder,since it will appear when you go into a tty1 later.
          2)after that,log-out and hit Alt-Ctrl+F1 to get to that tty.Then login using your username and password.
          3)When that's done type dir to display the name of the driver.I then run sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
          4)I f I have installed a previous driver i run: sudo sh --uninstall first,I use the dir command to display the names of the drivers.
          5)I then run sudo sh and follow the prompts(select agree to the license and yes to everthing else.
          6)After it has finished,I run sudo init 6 to re-start.If all goes well,I just log in as normal,but if I get a tty,I log into it and run startx to see the error.With the "cannot find RgbPath" error,I just ran sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and commented that line out. and started X again(but I prefer to re-boot,as I've found just startx just gives me that session that I'm in.

          For the "cannot find dri2" error,I would comment that out as well and see what happens,I can't see any harm in trying personally.

          I hope that helps.


          P.S it is also helpful to install Linux-Generic-Source,Xserver-Xorg-dev,both pkg-config and the dev,autoconf,automake,binutils,and build essential(using synaptic for the moment since Adept-Manger is broken for the monent)as far as I can remember.


            Re: Broken winbind update - how to fix

            Thanks again, Steve. I did not know about the patch -- that may fix my situation -- I'll try it tonight or tomorrow.

            Originally posted by STEVE555

            With the "cannot find RgbPath" error,I just ran sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and commented that line out. and started X again(but I prefer to re-boot,as I've found just startx just gives me that session that I'm in.
            That is pretty much the same as I did, both with 177.x and again with 173.14.12 (twice). But, after I use nano to fix the RgbPath error, and restart X, then I get another error about files not found.

            My interpretation of the notes on Nvidia's driver site is that 173.14.12 is the best driver for my 8800GTS, although it runs fine on sidux with the 177 driver.

            Thanks again -- I'm eager to try that patch, if it is recommended for the 173 driver version.


              Re: Broken winbind update - how to fix

              Hi Dibl,
              I wouldn't use the patch for the 173.14.12 driver,as I think the Nvidia developers have figured that one out already.And I didn't use that patch for that driver.I think there is something about the dri2 error in the Ubuntu forum section I have mentioned earlier.



                Re: Broken winbind update - how to fix

                Yep, I just figured that out.

                The post from poekie on the last page of this thread may be the breakthrough I've been looking for:


                We'll find out tonight.


                  Re: Broken winbind update - how to fix

                  Originally posted by dibl

                  Off topic, were you able to install an Nvidia driver for that 9600GT? If so, which one, and how did you install it? I've reinstalled Intrepid three times since Monday -- every time I install an Nvidia driver it blows up KDM and I can't undo the damage and ever get a GUI again.

                  Originally, I had manually patched the 173 driver on nVidia's site. But now, I'm just using the nvidia-glx-177 package!

                  You may need to remove any old linux-restricted-modules package you have, and only re-install the latest. I had problems getting it working until I figured out that I was having conflicts due to one of the versions installed for a prior kernel.

                  Specs:  Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (@3Ghz), G.SKILL 4GB DDR2 1066, ASUS Striker II Formula MB, Asus EN9800GTX+ Dark Knight, ABS Tagan BZ800 PS, Antec 900 Case.


                    Re: Broken winbind update - how to fix

                    Originally posted by 3vi1

                    I'm just using the nvidia-glx-177 package!
                    @3vi1 you are a lucky one!

                    Starting last Monday, I crashed my Intrepid Ibex installation 5 times trying to install an Nvidia driver on it. I think it was Crash #4 that was using nvidia-glx-177. I tried every combination of techniques know, I think, and always ended up with a borked KDM that would not even run the original generic xorg.conf that Intrepid installed. So I'm going to cool my jets for awhile and watch for news from the Intrepid and KDE4 devs that there's a fix for it. Worst case, tseliot will release a new EnvyNG installer in October and that's when a reliable method will be available.


                      Re: Broken winbind update - how to fix

                      Is your Intrepid installation a fresh install, or an upgraded Hardy?

                      If you upgraded Hardy, you may need to remove and re-install DKMS while you're at it. I couldn't get the new nvidia driver to work before I did that either.

                      Specs:  Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (@3Ghz), G.SKILL 4GB DDR2 1066, ASUS Striker II Formula MB, Asus EN9800GTX+ Dark Knight, ABS Tagan BZ800 PS, Antec 900 Case.


                        Re: Broken winbind update - how to fix

                        No this is a clean Intrepid Alpha 3 installation, from the Alpha 3 64-bit CD image.

                        During last week, there were many updates, including a new kernel 2.6.26-5. But, I tried installing the Nvidia driver on Intrepid before updating, and also after updating, all the way until Friday. I tried using the "Restricted Drivers Manager", both -173 and -177. I tried nvidia-glx-17x both versions. I tried the downloaded 173.14.12 driver from Nvidia. All methods were "no go".

                        So, for now I am running the 1280 x 1024 "generic video" screen. It actually looks pretty good. With the Nvidia driver, I normally run a 1600 x 1200 screen, which of course is very nice on a big monitor like my SyncMaster 1100, but not so good on a small screen.

                        So, I'm going to wait until I hear about reliable Nvidia driver performance before I risk blowing it up again -- it takes too long to configure my system after the installation. :P


                          Re: Broken winbind update - how to fix


                          I've downloaded and installed the new 8.10 official release. I have and Alienware m9700 running two NVidia 7900GS cards. Every time I have the Restricted Drivers Manager install either NVidia drivers version 173 or 177 KDE 4.1.2 dies.

                          I have found that at the terminal removing the package 'dkms' removes all nvidia restricted drivers completely.

                          sudo apt-get remove dkms
                          Then if you edit the xorg.conf file to use the open source implementation of the NVidia driver it fires kdm back up properly.

                          sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
                          sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
                          Section "Module"
                          #Load "glx"
                          Section "Device"
                          Identifier "Configured Video Device"
                          Driver "nv"
                          sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start
                          This helped me revert to the stock 'nv' driver that has no graphics acceleration.



                            Re: Broken winbind update - how to fix

                            I figured out some more stuff.

                            I had to disable my stock 'nv' drivers because they kept trying to load.

                            Edit /etv/default/linux-restricted-modules-common
                            Then I had to find the BusID of the PCI-E video cards that I have installed in my machine.
                            lspci | grep nVidia
                            06:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce Go 7900 GS
                            07:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce Go 7900 GS
                            Then I edited my /etc/X11/xorg.conf files to use those two devices.
                            (I included only the sections I edited)
                            Section "Device"
                            Identifier "Video Device 0"
                            Driver "nvidia"
                            BusID "PCI:6:0:0"
                            Section "Device"
                            Identifier "Video Device 1"
                            Driver "nvidia"
                            BusID "PCI:7:0:0"
                            Section "Screen"
                            Identifier "Default Screen"
                            Monitor "Configured Monitor"
                            Device "Video Device 1"
                            Defaultdepth "24"
                            I have two video cards installed into my machine for use with an SLI configuration.  This is by no means a permanent solution because this does not allow for the use of SLI in systems that are configured for it.  This will only let the X server (KDM) use the video card that is specified in the 'Device' argument in the 'Screen' section.

                            Also, please note that I used the second Video Device. This is because the systems boots up on the primary video device and if you have issues with it then you cannot get to a tty because your video is all messed up. In my case KDM will not load on the first GPU, but will on the second GPU. Not sure why yet.



                              Re: Broken winbind update - how to fix

                              OK, so I've figured it all out and I've saved the world.

                              The reason why I couldn't output to device 0 is because it's the second video card. NVidia cards that are set up in a SLI configuration cannot have output sent to the second video card. The first GPU handles the output to the second GPU via the NVidia driver.

                              In this case Video Device 1 which is on BusID PCI:7:0:0 is my first GPU. When I enable SLI is starts sending video to the second GPU to be processed. To enable SLI use this option as demonstrated in the example below.
                              Option "SLI" "on"
                              Section "Device"
                                Identifier "Video Device 0"
                                Driver "nvidia"
                                BusID "PCI:6:0:0"
                              Section "Device"
                                Identifier "Video Device 1"
                                Driver "nvidia"
                                BusID "PCI:7:0:0"
                              Section "Screen"
                                Identifier "Default Screen"
                                Monitor "Configured Monitor"
                                Device "Video Device 1"
                                Option "SLI" "on"
                                Defaultdepth 24
                                SubSection "Display"
                                  Depth 24
                                  Modes "1920x1200"

