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Kubuntu 8.10

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    Re: Kubuntu 8.10

    When you observe the KDE 4 installation on Intrepid Ibex, and work with it for awhile like I have, it becomes a little more obvious why there were so many problems with the "remix" and the "add-on KDE 4" situations with Hardy Heron systems. The name of the hidden folder is ~.kde (once again) and the locations of all pieces of KDE in the filesystem are back to where they traditionally were, mostly. The real kludge was to have both versions of KDE attempting to run on a single HH system. I think the initial disappointments and anxieties about KDE 4 will probably subside a lot, once folks just have KDE 4 to work with, and the system doesn't have to "share itself" between two version of it.

    My two cents' worth.


      Re: Kubuntu 8.10

      Hi dibl

      Would you say it's worth it for someone like me, with some experience and who doesn't mind tinkering a bit, going to 8.10 or would you wait for release? I tend to pick up my new versions of kubuntu at beta stage.

      If I did try it, how would things work installing on an "upgrade" basis ie not allowing the install routine to wipe the home partition. Would I end up with a kde3 & 4 mess?




        Re: Kubuntu 8.10

        If your home directory is on another partition, then you can just not format that one, that is what I do. If you experience oddities after logging in with the new KDE4 install, just move all of the config directories from your home directory to some backup location or delete them if you have no special configuration you couldn't re-do, log out and back in to let it re-populate the config directories and see if you still experience the oddities.

        I do find it odd that you are experiencing issues with TwinView and KDE4. I can't remember, but if TwinView is the name for ATi's dual display configuration, then that is what I have at work. My work configuration is Kubuntu 8.04 amd64 edition and I just installed the kubuntu-kde4-desktop package along side the default kubuntu-kde-desktop package. I also installed the closed source ATi driver and the Catalyst Control Center, which is where I enable the dual display settings. The only piece I have found lacking with KDE4 is that I cannot tell the bar at the bottom to make use of the dual monitors, however everything else works.

        I will wait till Kubuntu 8.10 releases before installing it on my work desktop due to the closed source ATi driver not working with the new 2.6.27 kernel, at least last time I tried.

