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Incredibly slow Internet

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    Incredibly slow Internet

    To say that the Internet speed after the latest round of updates is pathetic would be far too kind, and I'm an exceedingly nice guy. I've seen a lot of this on Ubuntu forums and I can't believe I'm not seeing them here. I've adjusted the MTU and disabled ipv6 as well as set the RWIN optimally, but no matter what I do after the latest batch of updates, my 3.5M internet connection is lucky to see 300k. More practically, with all Internet applications, I'm getting 40k. I know it's not my network, my connection (wireless) or my system, because switching over to Freespire2 on the same computer, I'm getting near the full 3.5M down and 512k up. But the best I've been able to get in Kubuntu 8.1 is 400k down and 33 up. I don't know where to look or what to tweak now, but I know it's Kubuntu and I know it's the updates that did it because that's all that's changed. Dial up would be faster at this point and my Internet is practically unusable. Someone please help I'm really loving it until the update, and I've done a lot of work setting things up. I REALLY don't want to have to scrap Intrepid and go to something else, but I can't work like this.

    Update - Ubuntu 8.1, same system, also getting 3.5M down and 512 up. ?

    Re: Incredibly slow Internet

    it may be the recent triple undersea cable cut in the mediterranean that is affecting you and many other internet users in asia, middle east and possibly europe...



      Re: Incredibly slow Internet

      I have the same really annoying problem in Ubuntu Intrepid. It's not due to some cable because my wife's laptop running Hardy has no problem at all.


        Re: Incredibly slow Internet - RESOLVED

        Don't line up to call me a dumba$$... happens to the best of us. After swapping distros and live CD's all over the place, I realized that when I thought Kubuntu was moving fast, it was actually just cached web pages. Doing much swapping of hardware and LiveCD'sI further realized the wireless NIC cards I was using, though they should have been identical, had different chipsets. It's a driver/hardware issue! Freespire loved both wireless cards, but Ubuntu hated one of them, hence incredibly slow access. I found the fast system after hardware had been swapped around, moved it from my reference system to the active system and BAM I'm getting 4MBps dowlonad on my main box at the moment. I'm sure the reference system has gone back to being pathetic. Once I finish tweaking my Kubuntu system (Yaaaaaay!), I'll hop over to Ubuntu and find out what the specs on that card having problems are and post to both Ubuntu and Kubuntu problems. Thanks for tolerating my rabid, foaming ranting.

        Justsomeguy... might want to try a different network card. The one that's working great is an RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI card. It's a Linksys. Though I'm not 100% this would affect you because both Hardy AND Intrepid didn't like the other network card.


          Re: Incredibly slow Internet

          vaasnaad, can u post a web link to the description of the card that's working great ? Thanks !

