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Help on how to set share permissions on a shared folder using the Konsole

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    Help on how to set share permissions on a shared folder using the Konsole

    I am having some problems setting the permissions on a shared folder I created. The GUI in Kubuntu does not seem to work for creating shares or setting up the permissions. I followed one thread here in the forums and found out how to get the folder shared, but now I need to change the permissions on the share, currently it is set to read only. I need to be able to read write delete and modify files in the share. Any help would be appreciated.


    Re: Help on how to set share permissions on a shared folder using the Konsole

    Originally posted by in10city
    I am having some problems setting the permissions on a shared folder I created. The GUI in Kubuntu does not seem to work for creating shares or setting up the permissions. I followed one thread here in the forums and found out how to get the folder shared, but now I need to change the permissions on the share, currently it is set to read only. I need to be able to read write delete and modify files in the share. Any help would be appreciated.

    In order to change permissions via konsole, you will have to use the "chmod" command followed by a set of 3 numbers that designate the permissions for the "Owner", "Group", and "others".

    For example, If you are the owner of this file, and you wish to have Read, write and Execute permissions but want your anyone else only to be able to read you would use the following command:

    chmod 744 filename

    (note you will either need to navigate to the directory this file is in or designate it's path in the "Filename" section.)

    So you have, with this combination of characters set the permission for the Owner = 7, the Group = 4 and all other =4.

    Here is a brief description of what each of the designated numbers means:
    1 --x execute
    2 -w- write
    3 -wx write and execute
    4 r-- read
    5 r-x read and execute
    6 rw- read and write
    7 rwx read, write and execute

    Other options and more useful info can be found at the following sites:

    Hope this was helpful.
    I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details. -Albert Einstein


      Re: Help on how to set share permissions on a shared folder using the Konsole

      And don't forget the (man)ual from either the console:
      man chmod
      or from Konqueror by typing in the URL box: man:chmod
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: Help on how to set share permissions on a shared folder using the Konsole

        ok, the folder I have shared in Kubuntu that I want to share with read write and execute permissions is called Downloads.
        I opened up the Konsole, went to my home die (where Downloads is) and typed
        chmod 777 Downloads
        went to my windows box and tried to create a folder in Downloads and still got an access denied.
        is chmod set to change share permissions also or just folder permissions?


          Re: Help on how to set share permissions on a shared folder using the Konsole

          Chmod assigns permissions to both folder and files. Go to your home directory again, in Konsole, and type in ls -al. This will list all the folders/files in that directory, and show you the permissions that are currently set.

          If the folder "Downloads" is set as rwxrwxrwx, then you have it set right, and the problem is something in your networking setup. I can't help with that yet, i'm just getting ready to start that journey myself. :-)

          I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details. -Albert Einstein


            Re: Help on how to set share permissions on a shared folder using the Konsole

            this is what I show.
            drwxrwxrwx 26 blah blah 16384 2008-11-03 11:23 Downloads



              Re: Help on how to set share permissions on a shared folder using the Konsole

              Originally posted by in10city
              this is what I show.
              drwxrwxrwx 26 blah blah 16384 2008-11-03 11:23 Downloads

              So the issuse is not with the share permissions of the actual folder. It must be a setting in Samba, to allow more than read only access...

              I am not sure if this link will help or not, but this is where i would start:

              I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details. -Albert Einstein


                Re: Help on how to set share permissions on a shared folder using the Konsole

                Thank You,

                I did some reading from the link you gave me and added the following line
                to my smb.conf
                read only = no
                that was all I needed thanks again.

                This issue has been solved.

