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Can't share folders

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    Can't share folders

    When I go to the share tab in the folder properties and click on the "Configure File Sharing..." button nothing happens. Any ideas?

    Re: Can't share folders

    I have that problem as well but have yet to find a solution.
    However, I was able to set up shared folders with Samba

    Install Samba
    sudo apt-get install samba
    Add current user to Samba:
    sudo smbpasswd username
    (replacing username with your login username)

    Open the samba config file:
    sudo kate /etc/samba/smb.conf
    Add the directories to be added (right at the end) in the following format:
    path = /home/username/FOLDER_TO_BE_SHARED
    (Replace username with your username and FOLDER_TO_BE_SHARED with the folder you want to share)

    Restart Samba
    sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
    The above is slightly modified instructions that I found at


      Re: Can't share folders

      Originally posted by hatofbees
      When I go to the share tab in the folder properties and click on the "Configure File Sharing..." button nothing happens. Any ideas?
      It's the same for me. I want to do this in dophin or konqueror, not editing files!


        Re: Can't share folders

        Thank You for your instructions, they are basic and quite easy to follow. I was able to get my sharing working in under 10 minutes. I do admit, copy and pasting the commands you had in the instructions was quite hard (especially because I had to change the names of my home and shared directory on my own) but somehow, I did find a way to do it without using a mouse. (god forbid) in short your directions are great and if users would just carefully read the instructions, they will be ok. Do not fear the Konsole, it is here to help when a buggy gui will not work.


          Re: Can't share folders

          I also like the way you have the shares set to ask for a user name and password to access the share. I had not had that level of security on my shares in any version of Linux until now. Thanks again your directions rock


            Re: Can't share folders

            Oh crud, I spoke too soon. I can see the shares and connect to them, however, I am not able to create folders or modify files in the shared Linux folder from within Windows. I need to be able to do this, any help would be appreciated.


              Re: Can't share folders

              Had the same issues as you did and found another way around the problem using system-config-samba (available in the repos).

              Install it and it creates an icon on your launcher /applications/settings. Launch it and just follow your nose! Dead simple.


                Re: Can't share folders

                Thank you very much for the clear explanation.
                After trying other things myself. This worked fine for me on KUbuntu 8.10 (on a laptop) connecting to Windows 98 (desktop).

