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Call to the developers

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    Call to the developers


    I don't usually send emails like this one but I am very surprised by the progress of Intrepid.

    If I am off base as I haven't looked at the Intrepid beta yet I apologise. I have used Kubuntu 8.04 remix, 8.04, 7.10 and 8.04.1.

    My main issue is the use of a pre-production desktop environment in Kubuntu. I don't say pre-production lightly, KDE4 is gorgeous and is certainly the future of KDE (and I think *nix in general) but, Kubuntu and Ubuntu are marketing themselves as the easy linux, the linux that windows users can move to. KDE4 isn't ready for this exposure. I have been running KDE4 as my primary desktop for sometime but I still rely on too many KDE3 apps and applets to make it useful. Even basic things are missing in a pure KDE4; graphical network management is right up there at the top of the list. networkmanager I understand is not ready and isn't likely to be in time for Intrepids release.

    When a new windows user (and me for that matter) installs an OS, the least they should expect is a VGA output, keyboard, mouse, and easily configured network (i.e. graphical) so they can easily get the driver updates required to get the rest working in a reasonable time.

    as I said above, if I am wrong I would be happily corrected (I am about to reinstall and have burned 8.10 beta ready to do this afterall...)
