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Wired connection not working?

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    Wired connection not working?

    I am pretty new to Linux, and like a challenge. So after running Hardy for about a month or so, I installed Intrepid Alpha 6 yesterday. The install went great, and everything was detected. I went to set up my internet connection manually, and I can't get it to work.

    I set my IP, and Subnet. When I go to set my Gateway, I have a primary, and an alternate, but I am not sure how to enter them in the space provided. What should I use to seperate the two addresses? For now, I have my primary entered.

    When I open up Konquorer, I cannot connect to my login page. I have made sure my firewall is off, and when I do an ifconfig, it shows my eth0 and that I am transmitting, but not receiving. I have double and triple checked to make sure I have the correct information entered.

    Any ideas? Keep in mind that I am new to Linux. Thanks,

    Re: Wired connection not working?

    I have a similar issue...

    ( read about my attempts to Troubleshoot it here. )

    If you do lshw -C network do you get :
    product: RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller
    vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.

    I am hopeful that the new Kernelupdate ( will resolve the issues we both are having... I'm still on currently.


      Re: Wired connection not working?

      Here is what I get when I run lshw -c network :
      WARNING: you should run this program as super-user.
      *-network:0 UNCLAIMED
      description: Network controller
      product: RaLink
      vendor: RaLink
      physical id: 7
      bus info: pci@0000:02:07.0
      version: 00
      width: 32 bits
      clock: 33MHz
      capabilities: bus_master cap_list
      configuration: latency=32 maxlatency=4 mingnt=2
      description: Ethernet interface
      product: RTL-8110SC/8169SC Gigabit Ethernet
      vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
      physical id: f
      bus info: pci@0000:02:0f.0
      logical name: eth0
      version: 10
      serial: 00:1d:7d:93:36:8b
      width: 32 bits
      clock: 66MHz
      capabilities: bus_master cap_list ethernet physical
      configuration: broadcast=yes driver=r8169 driverversion=2.3LK-NAPI latency=64 maxlatency=64 mingnt=32 module=r8169 multicast=yes

      And here is what I get when I run ifconfig :

      eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1d:7d:93:36:8b
      RX packets:198825 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
      TX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
      collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
      RX bytes:12625859 (12.6 MB) TX bytes:1368 (1.3 KB)
      Interrupt:23 Base address:0x4000

      I am not sure how to check what kernal I am running. I did install the Alpha 6, so whatever that comes with, is what I am runnng. So it seems we both have Realtek NIC's on Gigabyte motherboards, unless I am reading your post wrong. So what do we do to get this fixed? It seems to me that Gigabyte is a fairly popular board, and there have to be others having this issue.


        Re: Wired connection not working?

        Mine is actually a BioStar TF-7050 M2 with an onboard Realtek RTL8111B - 10/100/1000 Controller.

        I noticed that the updates from last night include:


        Maybe one of these will make a difference?


          Re: Wired connection not working?

          My eth0 now works, but I'm having to fight with my ICS configuration now...

          but hey my eth0 works so maybe yours will too after the upgrade.


            Re: Wired connection not working?

            That sounds great, but how do I upgrade if I can't get my eth0 to work? I don't have wireless access, and if I want to use the internet, I have to boot into Windows to get online.


              Re: Wired connection not working?

              I downloaded the daily build for 28 Sept, and did a fresh install. I still cannot get my connection to connect. Here is the error page I get from Konquoer. I can't get connected to download Firefox, so I am stuck with this until I can get a connection. In order to connect, I have to access the listed page, then sign in, then minimize that window, open up a new window, and I can go anywhere on the internet.

              The requested operation could not be completed
              Connection to Server Refused
              Details of the Request:
              · URL:
              · Protocol: http
              · Date and Time: Monday 29 September 2008 05:45
              · Additional Information: Unknown error
              The server refused to allow this computer to make a connection.
              Possible Causes:
              · The server, while currently connected to the Internet, may not be configured to allow requests.
              · The server, while currently connected to the Internet, may not be running the requested service (http).
              · A network firewall (a device which restricts Internet requests), either protecting your network or the network of the server, may have intervened, preventing this request.
              Possible Solutions:
              · Try again, either now or at a later time.
              · Contact the administrator of the server for further assistance.
              · Contact your appropriate computer support system, whether the system administrator, or technical support group for further assistance.


                Re: Wired connection not working?

                @Hurricane there are some reports that the e1000e module, blacklisted for kernel 2.6.27, affects Realtek Gigabit ethernet chips as well as the Intel ones like mine.


                Is there a module loaded for your ethernet chip?

                Try a Live CD (Kubuntu or other distro) and see if you have network connectivity. If so, you are probably affected by the blacklist. You'll have to install a different version (8.04 or 8.04.1) or else wait for a kernel that fixes the e1000e problem.


                  Re: Wired connection not working?

                  Thanks for the help dibl. I decided to downgrade to the Kiwi version of ubuntu until the official release date for 8.10. I fought the best I know how to get the internet to work, and couldn't get it.


                    Re: Wired connection not working?

                    Prolly a good decision. I think you picked a really bad moment to grab the II ISO -- this bad e1000e module problem just appeared last week, and affects only the 2.6.27 kernels. You should be fine with an earlier kernel, or waiting until II is released in a couple of weeks.


                      Re: Wired connection not working?

                      Same here....

                      After updtate from 8.04, my network does not work.


                      I found this solution (i've setting my wired lan manually, don't know if the problem is the same on dhcp):

                      sudo ifdown -a
                      sudo ifup -a

                      After this, network works.

                      Please, check if /etc/network/interfaces is ok.


