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    I'm getting a problem when I try to apt-get install kdelibs5-dev, unmet dependencies, and at the end - broken packages.
    so I tried to install it manually, I've downloaded the .deb package from ubuntu backports, an got an error about kdelibs5 version installed is different from what kdelibs5-dev needs:

    installed: kdelibs5 ... 4.2 .... ~intrepid1~ppa1
    needed: kdelibs5 ... 4.2 .... ~intrepid2

    I don't know what to do anymore, a month ago I did apt-get'ed it normally, but now this.


    I'm thinking on removing kdelibs5 (and all its dependencies) and install the "intrepid2" version but I don't know if it's the right thing to do (could cause even worse problems you know).

    Re: kdelibs5-dev

    I'm no expert on the subject but last week I had something similar.
    And I accidentally set up apt-get (autoclean) to remove the whole kubuntu desktop...

    Luckily it was very easy to reinstall it from the command line and everything was good.
    Your thoughts might end up with a similar problem, but as long as you keep your network running and a terminal open nothing is lost.

    I'd suggest to start with reading the -f, --fix-broken section in man apt-get.


      Re: kdelibs5-dev

      First off, if you have both the KDE4.2 ppa repository and intrepid-backports enabled, you should disable the ppa (since KDE4.2 is now available from backports).

      After that, try 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kdelibs5-dev'. If you get errors, post the whole output here so we may see if the cause can be 'deciphered'.


        Re: kdelibs5-dev

        Too late!
        I tried to remove kubuntu-desktop, and everything got worse.
        I'm reinstaling kubuntu 8.10 from the beginning now, but this time, I'll update KDE to 4.2 from ubuntu-backports.

