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[SOLVED]if sda1 = hd0,0 what is sdb1 equal to?

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    [SOLVED]if sda1 = hd0,0 what is sdb1 equal to?

    Hi I have an external hd with vector Linux installed in sdb4 I would like to add this to my grub menu lst but I dnt know how to find out where it's located. So if my xp is in hd0,0 or sda1 and my kubuntu is in hd0,1? Which is sda2. What is my externalhd equal to if it's sdb? I tried hd1,3 but I get a kernel panic? Can anyone help? Or how do I find out what my externalhd is referred to ?

    Re: if sda1 = hd0,0 what is sdb1 equal to?


    I think you're a candidate for the "Top 20 FAQs" linked in my signature. #5 and #15 will be of particular help on your question.


      Re: if sda1 = hd0,0 what is sdb1 equal to?

      Boot into your Kubuntu with the external HD On and connected so that Kubuntu sees it.

      Open Konsole.
      sudo grub
      grub>geometry (hd<press the TAB key now>
      (do not type the symbols < or >)
      and you'll get a list of drives as seen by BIOS and GRUB.
      Explore each one by typing
      grub>geometry (hd0)
      grub>geometry (hd1)

      There ya go.
      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


        Re: if sda1 = hd0,0 what is sdb1 equal to?

        Thanks guys for the quick reply. It was really helpful I manage to add my VL to my grub list.

        However it didn't really solve my bigger problem which is annoying lol but I'm going to try other ways to try and resolve this kernel panic.

        Thanks again.

