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processor cache disabled leads to needing shift pressed to boot

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    processor cache disabled leads to needing shift pressed to boot

    I know that the processor cache being disabled (bios error 02D0) has nothing to do with Kubuntu on its own, but it's created a strange interaction.

    Boot pauses indefinitely at the "getting (?) root partition" stage early in the boot, unless I press the shift key and hold it down. There are another couple of points after this where the shift key needs to be depressed.

    Having the cache disabled only slows things slightly once the machine is booted, but it needs the shift *to* boot. This happens with the last couple of kernels, and also with the bootable DVD (which has more problems and doesn't finish booting).

    Compaq is going to swap the motherboard under warranty, but I figured the interaction was odd enough to mention.

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