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What is error 22

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    What is error 22

    I have just downloaded Kubuntu, burnt the ISO file to disk(correctly Ihope) and tried to install on an empty disc, I used Partition Magic to make a unformated partition and then tried to boot my computer eith this CD. The POST starts and I get to the point where it says GRUB loading or such then it stops and I get a message Error 22. I have tried formating the disk with Linux1 ; unformating the disc, repsrtitioning but all to no avail it behaves in the same way everytime so I assume I should know what 'error 22' means. It woulkd be nice tohave a list of errors for future use; is there such a thing??
    Many thanks I would put a funny face in if I knew how.

    Re: What is error 22

    The GRUB Manual (includes list of errors):
    GRUB manual (pdf):
    GRUB, GNU GRUB Manual 0.97 at:

    Error 22 -- No such partition.

    Also, see my how-to, Reply #23:
    How To GRUB Methods - Toolkit

    Error 22 implies that you already installed Kubuntu, but that is not clear from your OP.
    It's not a serious error, just implies that you've told the bootloader GRUB to use a device that it can't find.

    Rx: edit your device numbers.
    Some (hdx,y) is not correct in your /boot/grub/menu.lst (= the GRUB boot menu).

    But we need more information to go further.

    BTW, PM is good, no problem there, but most of us like and use GParted Live CD for partition editing:
    GParted how-to:

    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: What is error 22

      This could simply mean that grub is not able to use the paths set in its config file.

      This could also mean if you use a multi-drive setup that grub may not have been loaded to the bootsector of the drive you wanted.

      Grub is not the best with a mix of IDE and SATA drives. It will try to default to the IDE no matter the order specified in the BIOS.
      Kubuntu 18.04 on AMD


        Re: What is error 22

        I have an 80 Gb SATA drive. Using Partition magic I used the whole drive without partitioning to get error 22. I then use P.M and partitoned the drive without formating. This returned error 17. I tried formatting with Linux1 and nothing happen at all. The drive should be empty. I have tried turning off the computer and starting from scratch but I still cannot get passed-GRUB Loading.
        I am goint download the above mentioned manuals and will keep at it as I intend toget this working. Thank you all be back again later.


          Re: What is error 22

          Make the new partition -- actually two:
          You need at least 2 partition, one for Kubuntu (root /), one for swap. Optional: a 3rd partition for a separate home (for your personal data and settings), as explained here:
          Partitioning—how to, Rog131:

          Format the main, root partition as ext3.
          Then use the Kubuntu Live CD to install Kubuntu.

          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Re: What is error 22

            This gets more wierd. I did as you siad- 10Gb for Root, 5Gb for Swap and the rest for Home. I formated the root partition with ext3 but left the other two unformated. I now get constant booting. It get as far as - Grub Laoding 1.5 then starts all over again. A little thought at the back of my mind could it be the disk- I must find another one although this one installed Ubuntu yersteday the reason I tried Kubuntu is that I have a folder of instructions for Kubuntu. Aynway I must leave this now for a while so I will have another go later on, Many thanks.


              Re: What is error 22

              Assuming it is not a hardware problem (e.g., bad power supply; or bad RAM memory), you might try to re-install GRUB (going on the assumption that the installation is corrupted somehow).

              Do it at K > System > Konsole.
              Either from a Live Kubuntu CD (I.e., in a live session) or by first booting into your broken Kubuntu using Super Grub Disk (perhaps using the "direct boot" option),
              Super Grub Disk, new site:

              So, at Konsole,
              sudo grub
              grub>find /boot/grub/stage1
              That will return the (hdx,y) where your Kubuntu is located. Put that here:
              grub>root (hdx,y)
              grub>setup (hd0)
              Exit out of the session and re-boot to test it.
              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                Re: What is error 22

                I have a feeling we are talking at cross purposes here. I am a complete newby who wanted to try Linux. I downloaded a copy of Kubuntu and following instructions burnt the image file to disc. This disc I put in the drive and tried to boot the computer but only got as far as - Grub loading 1.5 error 22. The only thing I have not tried is another copy of Kubuntu; the next job.

                I'm afraid I cannot see how to install Grub or reinstall it. I cannot use the konsol thing because as I say I cannot instal kubuntu. I looked at the startup disc mentioned but I got an index of discs with several one in english-which one do I use?
                I thank you for your patience and I am sorry to be so thick but it seems the simplest things cause the most trouble.


                  Re: What is error 22

                  Hmmm... I think I know what may have happened here.
                  You need to set your BIOS to boot
                  first from CD/DVD drive
                  then, second from your hard drive.
                  (Somehow, perhaps, BIOS got re-set incorrectly.)

                  It sounds as if BIOS is trying to boot first from a hard drive (NOT your Kubuntu CD).
                  But, then, as it tries, it is finding a MBR with some trace of GRUB in it (perhaps froma precious install of Ubuntu?), but no "Stage_2" for GRUB (which would normally be in the Ubuntu partition).
                  Thus, you get, Error 22 or Stage1_5 loading... You do NOT get Error 22 from an improper CD boot; you could only get that if the PC is trying to boot from the hard drive.

                  If BIOS boots FIRST from the CD drive, and you put the Kubuntu Live CD in the drive before re-booting your PC, then your PC will boot from the Kubuntu CD, then you may choose the "Install" option, and continue (to install Kubuntu to those 3 partitions you created: root (/), /home, swap).
                  An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                    Re: What is error 22

                    Success I got up early this morning because I downloaded a new copy overnight and got the same rebooting problem but your last suggestion of setting the bios for CD setup worked and the install started straight away.
                    To recap I think the problem started at the biginning because I did not format the partitions thinking the setup disc would; then I just formated the root and finally all three. The bios setting was for floppy-hard disk -cd so I made the first cd the second hard disk and the thrid cd. It now seems evident that the hardware setup was the problem. Many thanks for your patience and effort I now look forward to exploring Kubuntu. I still do noy know what to do with the funny little faces at the top.


                      Re: What is error 22

                      figarotaff, That's great news this morning! And it explains the rather strange errors you were getting, which you only get from a hard drive, not from a CD..

                      Those little yellow faces, lined up above the reply window...
                      While you are typing, you can click on one and it will be inserted in your text, like this
                      or like this
                      Is that what you mean?

                      btw, welcome to the forum!
                      Don't forget to check out Documentation > How-To's for neat topics, and check dibl's top 20 questions FAQ (it's pinned under Documentation).

                      And by the way, I'm an Aires, not at all patient (as the women in my life would attest). But I AM relentless (as the women in my life would attest).

                      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                        Re: What is error 22

                        I had a wife who was Aires but I am Gemini so I can be two things patience comes with a problem that I like to get to the bottom of impatience when the solution keeps avoiding me. Once again many thanks I shall check out documentation as I have a lot of things I want to try with |Linux. Cheers for now I tried the little faces Ihope they come out.

