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Calculating files to skip copying (Install completed successfully)

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    Re: Calculating files to skip copying (Install completed successfully)

    Sorry if I have thrown you with the lsusb thing - just that when you google for a Hawking Wifi adapter all posts refer to it being USB.

    Some info on acx drivers is here

    I note you say that you can see your router - that does suggest to me that your adapter is actually working and the issue is one of configuration.

    I note you have encryption disabled and as soon as you have established you can connect to it I would enable encryption.

    To set up Right click on the wireless icon and select new connection on eth1 I expect. If your router is shown in the box select it and click next. Go through until you see the box with connect automatically. Select and then press connect and save. All being well you should connect, I would have thought.


      Re: Calculating files to skip copying (Install completed successfully)

      now only the wireless icon shows in the tool bar; the surrounding APs including mine do not show. major frustration. read some more posts - wireless card setup looks like a real pain in linux unless very knowledgeable?


        Re: Calculating files to skip copying (Install completed successfully)

        I think that this probably has more to do with your hardware manufacturer refusing to cooperate with the open source community than anything else. That would appear to have created difficulties all round.

        Some useful information is here:

        It may be that the linux-restricted-modules and linux-image packages for your running kernel has not been installed by default. Certainly because you had to remove the hardware for 'buntu to install in the first place there are grounds for thinking that.

        You will also note that the driver referred to in the wiki does not play well with Network manager. However, the last 'buntu version covered by that wiki was gutsy (7.10) and things might have changed since then. So I think the first thing you need to do will be to install those packages for you to have support for your hardware. If that does not work then the only thing I can really suggest would be to install ndiswrapper and use the windows driver.


          Re: Calculating files to skip copying (Install completed successfully)

          one of your links is most interesting, ie, network mgr and acx are not compatible. so i may try the network manager disabling steps given under "feisty" and see what happens. although again, i can do very little command line stuff in linux at this time as brand new to linux. i have DOS experience, so not scary, just not familiar with the syntax and lingo. but see my paragraph 4!

          indeed, the fact that APs show does indicate things are working, just not correctly. right clicking the wireless icon only gives me options for enable networking, enable wireless, connection information is not active, and edit connection. again, i am using ubuntu 8.10 from purchased disk.

          from what i have read, i will not be able to do ndiswrapper or madwifi until i have more skills. and i have read all over the net now and to repeat, connection is a prevalent problem. i had thot that by now linux would be "a piece of cake", but obviously not the case, yet. to get it to spread to desktops, connection must be made easier. in DOS and windows, one simply loaded/installed the driver. in linux, appears to be many many steps to get pci cards to work, and then, differences depending on the card.

          when left clicking the wireless icon, i see the APs. i left click on my AP, it searches, then get the disconnect msg. when i go to SYSTEM/ADMIN/NETWORKING TOOLS then (select wireless interface WLAN1):
          1) all of the "interface info" column says "not available", like "hardware address"
          2) the "interface statistics" column has entries which change variously when i repeat the process, ie, go back to the icon and click on my AP again. so for instance, in the second column there are numbers for "received bytes and packets", and these increase on every loop.
          this sort of seems like further evidence that the adapter is talking or trying to talk to my router. further, protocol IVv6 apparently is used and an IP Address of fe80::2e0:98ff:fef2:897f. the double "::" is correct. my Hawking MAC address is 00e098 f2897f. these same charaters and order are nearly matched in the IP address?

          yikes, should i keep trying?


            Re: Calculating files to skip copying (Install completed successfully)

            Yes you should. However, because of the issues you are having, I would use ndiswrapper if I were you. The conflict between the open source driver and network manager is an issue and my view is you could break something (probably the machine in frustration .

            Now I have never used ndiswrapper myself but suspect it's not rocket science. For example, before I left Mandriva (in 2006) you had to tick a box in the control centre to the effect "use ndiswrapper" and it would hunt out the driver from the Windows partition and install it. I've not seen a corresponding function in 'buntu (I'm not on my real machine at the mo) but see the very helpful thread on the subject posted today by another user. You can ignore the download bit as you will already have the .inf file on your windows partition.


            Seems to me that this might just get you out of the hole. You deserve to do so as you've worked hard enough!


              Re: Calculating files to skip copying (Install completed successfully)

              well, thanks again.

              the link for ndiswrapper does look fairly simple in the link you provided, much simpler than what i had read elsewhere. i have copied the procedure for reference. saw where something called "suplicant" was also required when using ndiswrapper. the link you provided only discusses ndiswrapper. so ultimately i will try to work with it - really would prefer not to dump my pci cards. i do have the .inf files on CD since all cards mentioned were purchased new.

              however, i am going to try a couple of USB wireless adapters first. one i'll pull out of the closet, and one that has been cited to work in a post. shame i can't get the Hawking to work tho. sort of like a guy and a voluptuous gal marooned on an island, but separated by a plexiglass wall - i can see the AP, but cannot interact with it!

              mark bower


                Re: Calculating files to skip copying (Install completed successfully)

                I know where you are coming from - if you have a couple of other adapters to try, that might help.

                The term "supplicant" refers I believe to the package wpa supplicant, which you'll need if you want to use wpa encryption.

                Good luck!



                  Re: Calculating files to skip copying (Install completed successfully)

                  ian, thanks again for all your ideas and support. i still may pursue use of my PCI adapters, but likely i am now going to be lazy based on below. with limited evidence, it would appear that the 8.10 ubuntu ver of linux likes USB vs PCI. i now can spend time looking at KDE and pclinux for preference.

                  pulled my belkin F5D7050 out of the closet and it “plug and play” connects in ubuntu 8.10. so for any to see after hours of trials, the following may help:

                  ubuntu 8.10, advantec AIMB742 industrial motherboard, celeron D (2.8Ghz D) cpu, linksys WRT54G, tx approximately 45 feet through 3 walls, one with tile.

                  PCI Hawking HWP54G sees the AP, but will not connect
                  PCI Belkin F5D7001 does not see the AP
                  PCI Netgear 311v3 does not see the AP

                  USB Belkin F5D7050 “plug and play” connects to the AP, 4 bars!
                  USB Netgear WG111v2 “plug and play” connects to the AP, 1 bar, will not access the net

                  by plug and play i mean all setup and connection is handled without any tweaking. surprisingly, the F5D7050 signal is stronger than what i experienced with the HWP54G with a corner reflector to improve communication(using XP).

                  mark bower


                    Re: Calculating files to skip copying (Install completed successfully)

                    So you are now up and running? If so great!

                    If it ain't broken, don't fix it. Use what works if you ask me. If I might take a guess - because I have a PCMCIA Belkin 7010 adapter- my guess is the driver is a Raitel RT 2500 which the chip-maker open-sourced, which will most certainly be why it worked.

                    Until you can get on the net with it and see, for example, the ease with which you can update and install applications, you cannot possibly get the feel for how great the linux experience is.

                    Welcome to the club. Enjoy it. However, can I now respectfully recommend to you that you enable the highest level of security for your router as I was a bit worried about that.

                    All the best



                      Re: Calculating files to skip copying (Install completed successfully)

                      i will run some cmd lines which i believe show the chipset and/or driver.

                      indeed, i downloaded and installed Thunderbird with ease tonite. i have already been using Open Office, Firefox and Tbird under XP for about a year in anticipation of my migration to linux.

                      yes, i will now tackle security. i have been using allowed MAC addresses only, but now need to move into WEP (as i see on my neighbors) or WPA if the WRTG54 router supports it.

                      there are only two clients of major importance that i need to use: Autocad and annual tax preparation. for taxes, a brief search indicates there is none avail. for autocad, i spotted an add-in (emulator?) that supposedly works well with my version. anyhow, i guess the goal is that if more of use move to linux, then we should see more clients that we need, produced.

                      i am thrilled to be on line in linux, especially after all the effort.



                        Re: Calculating files to skip copying (Install completed successfully)

                        If it will do WPA that will be best. Kubuntu supports it, I can confirm that as I run it myself. You will need to have wpa supplicant installed to do it.

                        Any questions, don't hesitate to post away - they are a friendly lot here

