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Kubuntu 8.10 not loading

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    Kubuntu 8.10 not loading

    I downloaded it from a torrent and I burnt the ISO with Magic ISO and the first two failed, then I burnt one and it burnt fine. So I booted up the CD and I hit the Check CD for errors and it scanned and said no errors. So I went ahead and tried to boot the Live CD and it froze loading the desktop.

    So I figured I would go ahead and install it and try booting from the HDD. It installed successfully. I get to the login screen and login and it starts loading and then it freezes on the 3rd icon on the splash screen.

    Tried installing the newest version of Ubuntu with a CD sent to me from Ubuntu and it does about the same thing.

    Re: Kubuntu 8.10 not loading

    Originally posted by strangen

    and then it freezes on the 3rd icon on the splash screen.
    Prolly not actually "frozen", just working "behind the scenes".

    OK, not funny for you.

    It's most likely a video issue. Check out FAQ #2 at the link in my signature. Post your hardware specs, and maybe we can point you toward likely fixes.


      Re: Kubuntu 8.10 not loading

      Well I mean it shows the splash screen and it shows the little icons as it loads but it gets to one of the icons, I think the third one and then it doesnt load that others.

      I am not sure of the specs on the computer. Its an older machine I got from work. It is a MSI machine and has onboard graphics with S-Video out and VGA out. It has ran Puppy Linux, windows 2000 server, Slax, and Damn Small Linux. Had no problems with any of them.

      I might also add that it is doing the same thing with my Dell Inspiron 600M laptop which I have ran Ubuntu on in the past.


        Re: Kubuntu 8.10 not loading

        I had a similar issue as a result of playing with video drivers. As a workaround I could login by choosing "Console Login" from the menu, then login and type
        sudo startx
        Felt more like a permission issue... didn't know how to fix it however and also don't know what exactly caused it.

        Fixing your video card is probably the real fix. What video card do you have?

        If you don't know, you can find out with
        lspci | grep VGA
        Once your problem is solved please edit the first post of your topic and add [SOLVED] in front of the subject. In that way, others can benefit from your experience!


          Re: Kubuntu 8.10 not loading

          I'm having exactly the same problem, with both Kubuntu8.10 and Ubuntu8.10.

          The md5sum was fine, and the installation went without a hitch.

          I get to the login screen fine, but the desktop will not load. The Kubuntu splash screen stops at pretty much the same place as strangen's does. Ubuntu just gives me an orange screen.

          The output of lspci | grep VGA is:
          00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)

          (I managed to get a working desktop by apt-getting metacity and 'sudo metacity --replace'. Now I have Kubuntu with a GNOME desktop!! which allows me to communicate with you, but really isn't what I want )

          Hope someone can help.

          @dibl: I've read your FAQ #2, and tried a couple of the vga boot codes, but they just seem to affect the resolution. Is that what is supposed to happen, or have I somehow got it wrong?

          EDIT: Hold the phone, I'm going to try a reinstall and modification to xorg.conf as per this thread:

          but it won't be until tomorrow (g'night). I'll let you know if any success.


            Re: Kubuntu 8.10 not loading

            Sorry it's taken so long to get back. My KDE4.1 desktop is loading now, but I am not at all sure how this issue has been resolved.

            I didn't reinstall. As I said, I have been using metacity (lightweight gnome) as a desktop, so I edited the xorg.conf file in that, and tried to reboot into KDE. No joy. Over the last few days I have tried a few times to boot into KDE, but without success.

            However, today I tried again, and blow me down if it didn't load! I've booted into KDE four times - hopefully it will continue to work.

            I changed my xorg.conf file to this:

            Section "Device"
            Identifier "Videocard0"
            Driver "Intel"
            Option "AccelMethod" "XAA"

            but the comment at the beginning of the file says, in part:

            # Note that some configuration settings that could be done previously
            # in this file, now are automatically configured by the server and settings
            # here are ignored.

            so I have no idea if my changes had any effect. They certainly appeared to not have.

            The only other thing I have done is download openSUSE11.1 and try to run the liveCD (with no success!). Straight after that I rebooted my machine and thought I'd give KDE another try and, as I've stated, it now works.

            I've no idea why.


              Re: Kubuntu 8.10 not loading

              Haha, that sounds cool, self-resolving issues

              Maybe running the live CD initiated a reconfiguration of the Xserver, I don't know. But I am glad your issue has been 'solved'.
              Once your problem is solved please edit the first post of your topic and add [SOLVED] in front of the subject. In that way, others can benefit from your experience!

