I've installed some linux in the past (Mandrake & Suse). On those distributions,
the installtion process allow me to non-destructively resize my partition just like how partitition-magic work, to make space for the linux.
Today I've tried Kubuntu on my PC. And, very unfortunately, I falsely expect it to work just like in my past experience with other distros. I try to change my HD partition size during the installation process..and doom. I've lost my data. Kubuntu installtion program report that my ntfs is now become ext3. Even worse, the process do not completely finished. There are some error report about filesystem (I've forgot what it is) I quickly cancel the whole installation process and restart back to my windows xp (which is reside on an untouched partition) But the partitioned-drive that I've tried to resize is now lost. The drive is no longer there in windows xp.
I can see the warning from kubuntu during installtion that changing partition information is not a reversible action. But I cannot see any mention about lossing my data. I'm very wrong about the kubutu behavior.
Now what can I do to recover my data ? I'm now having an ntfs partition that was incompletely converted to ext3 that is no longer visible on windows system. The partition contain many important information that I'm willing to do anything I can to recover it.
Please help.