I have been running Kubuntu 8.10 for a couple of months and this problem just came up yesterday. At the login screen, if I enter my password and click OK, the screen goes black for a second then comes back with no password showing and no move toward logging in. If I enter a wrong password, it will immediately tell me "Invalid password" without going black first. I tried changing my password using they mode screen, clicking edit. No change. I tried this with old and now passwords; same result. I couldn't make the method of editing the grub file work.
I am about to the point of reloading, but I have put a lot on the HD, including setting up Lazarus. Thin is the first version that has let me set that up without dependencies I couldn't solve, so I am reluctant to go to another version.
I am about to the point of reloading, but I have put a lot on the HD, including setting up Lazarus. Thin is the first version that has let me set that up without dependencies I couldn't solve, so I am reluctant to go to another version.