Hi, just installed Kubuntu using wubi yesterday and really enjoying the ride..
I have an non synaptics touchpad and found that I can use the command " synclient MaxTapTime=0" to disable the tap to click. I was to run this command automatically on login to my user account. I have tried adding a script to Autostart ( system settings/ advanced/autostart) but this make a desktop file that tries to launch in Kate. I have tried changing the file type and adding .sh but this does not work.
Any advise would be appriciated, please give me simple newbie instaructios.
I have Kubuntu 8.10 with KDE 4.1
I have an non synaptics touchpad and found that I can use the command " synclient MaxTapTime=0" to disable the tap to click. I was to run this command automatically on login to my user account. I have tried adding a script to Autostart ( system settings/ advanced/autostart) but this make a desktop file that tries to launch in Kate. I have tried changing the file type and adding .sh but this does not work.
Any advise would be appriciated, please give me simple newbie instaructios.
I have Kubuntu 8.10 with KDE 4.1