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How to run terminal command on KDE launch "newbie"

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    How to run terminal command on KDE launch "newbie"

    Hi, just installed Kubuntu using wubi yesterday and really enjoying the ride..

    I have an non synaptics touchpad and found that I can use the command " synclient MaxTapTime=0" to disable the tap to click. I was to run this command automatically on login to my user account. I have tried adding a script to Autostart ( system settings/ advanced/autostart) but this make a desktop file that tries to launch in Kate. I have tried changing the file type and adding .sh but this does not work.

    Any advise would be appriciated, please give me simple newbie instaructios.
    I have Kubuntu 8.10 with KDE 4.1


    Re: How to run terminal command on KDE launch "newbie"

    Maybe/earlier > Topic: Start a program at boot.


    Make a textfile (name could be synaptics_mod or whatever) to the /home/<USER>/.kde/Autostart:
    synclient MaxTapTime=0
    <USER> is your username

    Make it executable (right click your file (Dolphin/Konqueror)> Properties >Permissions > is executable).
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: How to run terminal command on KDE launch &quot;newbie&quot;

      Originally posted by surfgeek
      Hi, just installed Kubuntu using wubi yesterday and really enjoying the ride..

      I have an non synaptics touchpad and found that I can use the command " synclient MaxTapTime=0" to disable the tap to click. I was to run this command automatically on login to my user account. I have tried adding a script to Autostart ( system settings/ advanced/autostart) but this make a desktop file that tries to launch in Kate. I have tried changing the file type and adding .sh but this does not work.

      Any advise would be appriciated, please give me simple newbie instaructios.
      I have Kubuntu 8.10 with KDE 4.1

      Why would you not just add this to /etc/X11/xorg.conf

      Check out my website with Kubuntu how to&#39;s:&nbsp;


        Re: How to run terminal command on KDE launch &quot;newbie&quot;

        Instead of adding a script, choose 'add program' and in the box, enter the command string.

