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Separating KDE and Gnome Sessions!

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    Separating KDE and Gnome Sessions!

    I'm not sure where to put this. I thought maybe I should put it under feedback but that seems to be only for the forum itself.

    I just installed the latests update and I no longer have KDE plasmoids showing up in my Gnome panel and visa versa. THANK YOU!!!

    Kubuntu seems much faster than Ubuntu, especially the DE effects. They were so slow under Gnome that when using wobbly windows, I could not place a window at the top of the screen. It would bounce down. In KDE, the windows are more springy than wobbly, making it much more usable!

    I'm thinking about going fully Kubuntu if I could only find a panel plasmoid that force quits misbehaving or frozen apps. It's not often this happens and I think it's a flash problem. Every once in a while, a flash web page will freeze and that widget was nice to have in Gnome. Heck, even a keyboard short cut would do - something like control-alt-delete.

    Thanks again!

    Re: Separating KDE and Gnome Sessions!

    Hi there,

    I am not aware of a "force quit" plasmoid. If an app misbehaves what I do is find out its process nr. by typing
    pgrep package_name
    I then kill the app by typing
    kill 12345
    Only rarely do you have to put a sudo in front of the kill command, depends on who owns the process.

    Oh, and to have that shell always a keystroke away I use yakuake.

    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ

