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Upgrading from 7.10

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    Upgrading from 7.10

    Ok, I let myself get behind the times and missed out on the Heron. Now I am thinking about 8.10, but I am wondering what would be the best way of doing it. Should I first upgrade my system to 8.04, make sure that is updated and working, and then go to 8.10? Or can I do it directly, 7.10 -> 8.10? Is one way safer than the other? BTW I also prefer cd-upgrades since my internet connection is not very good right now.

    Any advice appreciated!
    -Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't hear the music.

    Re: Upgrading from 7.10

    You can't do a one-step upgrade and skip HH.

    Honestly, between technical issues that people have upgrading, and the "shock and awe" of KDE4, you would be well advised to do two things, IMO:

    1. Make a 8.10 Live CD and test every function that you normally use, to make sure you can live with the way it works in KDE 4. There have been more than a handful of "I wanna go back to KDE 3.5" posts on this forum", which I hear is now kinda-sorta possible, but I wouldn't try it myself.

    2. If you decide you're going for it, then just bite the bullet and do a new installation. Theoretically, you can upgrade to 8.04, and then upgrade your 8.04 to 8.10, but ....


      Re: Upgrading from 7.10

      Yikes! Ok, well I'll certainly check out the 8.10 live CD first. I realize that a lot of people have been having problems, but is it really that much more than the other versions had? I mean, after growth of users is factored in. Because people without problems generally don't report that, so how many of those are there? I know upgrading is riskier than a clean install, but there's good reason to prefer it; clean install means backing everything up, and even with a dvd burner, that's a huge proposition with today's hard drives, so... I don't know. Right now I'm still thinking two upgrades, but with some time in between to make sure things are going ok.

      BTW, there shouldn't be any issues that I've downloaded KDE 4 on my 7.10, should there? I don't even use it so perhaps I should find a way to get rid of it first. At the very least it'd clear up some space.

      -Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't hear the music.


        Re: Upgrading from 7.10

        I realize that a lot of people have been having problems, but is it really that much more than the other versions had? I mean, after growth of users is factored in
        Yes, there are more problems in this release than in others. Mainly for two reasons.

        First, the proprietary drivers from the two major graphic cards (ATI, nVidia) are not in synch with the latest kernel release that (x,k,null)Ubuntu ships. This means that a lot of people has problems setting up its graphics card and/or enabling desktop effects, or even installing at all.

        Second, KDE4. While it's, at least for me, more stable, fast and nicer than KDE3.5 (and I've an identical machine side by side still running 8.04 to prove it) it's not completely finished and debugged on par with KDE 3.5. This means that you'll miss some of the things that you were used to do in 3.5. If you are not comfortable fiddling with configuration files, you'll not like 8.10. I should mention that the latest updates in KDE 4 fix a lot of things and probably with enough time KDE 4 will fulfill it's promise but for the time being is not a newbie friendly environment.

        And yes, if you're going to venture into 8.10 I'd remove that KDE 4 you have.


          Re: Upgrading from 7.10

          Ah, I see. I don't use the proprietary drivers, the built-in ones seem to work well enough for 3d so I've been happy with that. I tried the 8.10 LiveCD, and the video didn't seem to work well. Every so often the screen would become a bunch of tiny, random-colored blocks, for just a second or two, then correct itself. It made me nervous. And yeah, I use a lot of the KDE panels and applets so I wasn't happy with KDE 4 either. So I guess that I'll just stick with 8.04 for now and keep appraised of updates.

          Thanks for your input!
          p.s. should I put "solved" on this one? It seemed more of a question than a problem per se.
          -Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't hear the music.


            Re: Upgrading from 7.10

            As you were the OP (original poster), you could return to your initial post and 'lock' the thread. This prevents further comments from being added.
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            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

