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Intrepid's awful - can't boot up

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    Intrepid's awful - can't boot up

    I burned copies of both i386 and 64-bit Intrepid.

    But, I cannot boot up no matter what. It won't even boot up in safe graphics mode. That's pathetic. Why even release 8.10?

    Surely, others have this problem.

    There should be a sticky or at least some 'HOW TO' for this problem. At least, there should be an acknowledgment that 'safe graphics mode' doesn't even help.

    I guess I have to go look at Debian Lenny, Mepis 8 (B5) or even Sidux.

    Kubuntu is a 2nd class OS to Ubuntu and neglected by Ubuntu/Canonical... .

    Re: Intrepid's awful - can't boot up

    Try a boot option or two before you give up. On my rig, it needs "xforcevesa" to get past my Nvidia card.

    "vga=785" is another common one.


      Re: Intrepid's awful - can't boot up

      But, it should boot in to safe graphics mode. That should be generic vga, right?

      The Kubuntu developers really screwed up. Their OS is officially crap now.

      I didn't see any other boot options. If they are hiding boot options, then that just makes it worse if that's possible.


        Re: Intrepid's awful - can't boot up

        I'm not arguing -- you are correct, Safe Graphics should work on everything.

        However, at the first menu press F6 and add, with a space, "xforcevesa" with no quote marks, at the end of the boot line, and try it.


          Re: Intrepid's awful - can't boot up

          Okay, I'll try it. But, it shouldn't be necessary. I just booted up a LiveCD of Mepis 8 (B5) and I didn't have to do anything.

          Edit: I think the 'vga = 785' change allowed me to boot up. I need to try the same steps and confirm.

          I have one complaint, though, sorry. When it boots up, the KDE menu goes all haywire with a blend of black/orange colours that cover up the menu and text. It happens quickly and clears up but what is that?

          The other issue is that many horizontal lines flicker (whenever typing).

          If Kubuntu (developers) are so sloppy or really don't care that much, how hard would it be to have an F6 option in explicit terms regarding graphics cards?

          Edit: there are still issues that I have no idea whether installing 'correct' video drivers would solve.

          Any idea (for possible fixes)?


            Re: Intrepid's awful - can't boot up

            If Kubuntu (developers) are so sloppy or really don't care that much, how hard would it be to have an F6 option in explicit terms regarding graphics cards?
            If you are going to call people names, denigrate the work of kubuntu's (mostly volunteer) efforts, and generally have a harsh tone about everything I wouldn't expect to get answers from anyone. Certainly not from me anymore. Tired of being insulted


              Re: Intrepid's awful - can't boot up

              I concur.
              This person uses POS as if he/she/it was an authority on the subject of S, which he/she/it probably is come to think of it.

              If Kubuntu and by extension their developers are a POS then we the users must be a POS as well.

              So my question: Why bother asking a question about a POS or advice from multiple P'sOS?

              That is a complete waste of time and in my mind wasting time is a very large POS.
              HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
              4 GB Ram
              Kubuntu 18.10


                Re: Intrepid's awful - can't boot up

                Are you saying my complaint is not justified? I'm just asking why other distros will boot up and have it set up so that it can boot up with a default video driver. But, the Ubuntu/Kubuntu developers make it so you have to enter some text command? I mean, why? Why is so bad for me to complain about that?

                I know that it's from volunteers but with all the resources Kubuntu/Ubuntu have, why not make that required change? It can't be that hard.

                I guess there is a combo of factors including the Nvidia/ATI drivers, KDE4 etc. that is preventing a proper boot up for whatever reason but I still don't understand why the required changes couldn't be implemented. It was frustrating, okay?

                I am grateful that someone provided the fix (as far as booting up is concerned). Why couldn't that be an option already built-in, though? I fail to see why that cannot be a source of great frustration and a source for legitimate complaint and concern.

                I don't see any insult in my complaint either. If it is not an issue for you, then it's not an issue. Don't take it personal.

                I won't make any more complaints. I had no intention of insulting anyone.


                  Re: Intrepid's awful - can't boot up

                  just look at your topic titles and posts, look at what I quoted from you above.

                  It's not about your problems, as they are legitimate. it's all how you are stating things. Complaints are fine and necessary, but to be completely blunt, you often act like an a**, especially with statements like you did above.


                    Re: Intrepid's awful - can't boot up

                    I'm new to Linux and Kubuntu, and still know absolutely nothing about anything when it comes to fixing hardware errors, but I can't imagine the- "Hey, your OS sucks now help me fix it while I bash it even more" attitude is going to get you very far here. My brand new Nividia card installed via a 64-bit Live CD 2 weeks ago and is running like a champ with Intrepid.


                      Re: Intrepid's awful - can't boot up

                      Originally posted by claydoh
                      just look at your topic titles and posts, look at what I quoted from you above.

                      It's not about your problems, as they are legitimate. it's all how you are stating things. Complaints are fine and necessary, but to be completely blunt, you often act like an a**, especially with statements like you did above.

                      Kubuntu is great! Sure there are bugs but what can you expect out of a project like this? Even Windoze has bugs and its developed by a multi-billion dollar corporation! Yet, Vista won't boot on my machine and yet Kubuntu will ^__^


                        Re: Intrepid's awful - can't boot up

                        8.10 will?

                        Well, I did go overboard but saying it 'works for me' is the infamous boast in a post that doesn't quite help the one having the problem.

                        It *doesn't* work for me and I don't know why. It will boot with a mod to menu.lst or during the LiveCD, adding something to the 'kernel boot line?'

                        It's the only recent distro that won't boot right up. I've tried all the popular distros that are right up to date (i.e. recent release), Fedora 10, Ubuntu 8.10, Mepis 8 and Kubuntu is the only one that won't boot. My hardware is the same in each case. Some have Nvidia drivers installed (on the Live disc), some don't. A couple of them have had the KDE 4.1.2 desktop. I was really frustrated as I've been fairly satisfied with Kubuntu up until trying 8.10, believe it or not. Oh well...


                          Re: Intrepid's awful - can't boot up

                          My hardware is the same in each case.
                          I believe this is the largest secret that you are holding back from the POS people here.
                          Maybe you could finally divulge that info?

                          Yes every distro has the plus and minuses and we have been through the: "why kubuntu do it like this" issue.

                          Except for saying they have their philosophy and others have theirs.
                          More here:

                          No idea. Why don't you as adamant fan of kubuntu contribute something substantial?

                          Of course you can spend some real time on the redhat / fedora, (open)suse, mepis, debian forums and find out if any would be willing to even notice your "questions".

                          By no means am I knocking any of those distros and feel grateful that they contribute to each other; at least more or less.

                          The choice is yours.
                          HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                          4 GB Ram
                          Kubuntu 18.10


                            Re: Intrepid's awful - can't boot up

                            Originally posted by Fintan
                            My hardware is the same in each case.
                            I believe this is the largest secret that you are holding back from the POS people here.
                            Maybe you could finally divulge that info?

                            Yes every distro has the plus and minuses and we have been through the: "why kubuntu do it like this" issue.

                            Except for saying they have their philosophy and others have theirs.
                            More here:

                            No idea. Why don't you as adamant fan of kubuntu contribute something substantial?

                            Of course you can spend some real time on the redhat / fedora, (open)suse, mepis, debian forums and find out if any would be willing to even notice your "questions".

                            By no means am I knocking any of those distros and feel grateful that they contribute to each other; at least more or less.

                            The choice is yours.
                            I can't fathom that I am the only one to have the problem. Anyway, it's somewhat common hardware: Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3R with Q6600 CPU, EVGA 7950GT, 2GB DDR Crucial RAM. I went from having the theory it was either 1) Nvidia drivers on the CD to 2) KDE4 (4.1.2 issue) to 3) Kubuntu-centric and now I can only conclude it's #3 due to no more info or proof otherwise.

                            Ubuntu 8.10 includes a recent driver version and it boots fine on LiveCD. Fedora 10 doesn't have the drivers installed on the LiveCD. Both have KDE4 (4.1.2) desktop. The addition 'vga=785' suggestion to the kernel boot line allows me to boot. Why doesn't 'use safe graphics mode' work? What is that mode doing? Just curious. If my Nvidia card was a brand new one that wasn't yet supported, I would totally understand. But, other distros boot up the same hardware but Kubuntu. Some extra/additional work is required to boot up and that's okay, I guess, except similar distro configurations boot up without anything extra. My question: what did Kubuntu do that requires that? That is not necessarily my complaint, though. If I may so, I couldn't figure why there aren't more options/responses for potential problems like that. Surely, it was tested. I guess it could be my hardware but that theory doesn't make sense to me considering it working on other distros including Ubuntu 8.10.

                            I can fill out a bug report or give the info of the experience if it helps.


                              Re: Intrepid's awful - can't boot up

                              or give the info of the experience if it helps
                              Yes, it may.

                              Ask informed questions. If you put up a post saying something like
                              "I tried to install this app and it didn't work." The answer you
                              get is going to be "That's too bad, what happened?" You can save
                              a couple of hours of turnaround time by describing the problem
                              clearly in your first post. On the other hand, if you are asking
                              a question about a problem with your video display, you don't have
                              to describe your hard drive, or your ethernet card. Do include
                              information about relevant hardware and software. Do copy any
                              error message that you saw when the program crashed or the
                              hardware didn't do the right thing.
                              Taken from here

                              Perhaps you may get somewhere if you start a new thread describing your problem as explained above.
                              Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ

