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Imaging of system ( like norton ghost)

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    Imaging of system ( like norton ghost)

    Ok ive got the running kubuntu like a brand new top, well balanced and spinning true, now being an old windows user who had a habit of experimenting with his pc and yes, every now and then stuffing it up, i now i now dont fix it if it ant broke. well i never learnt that lesson until its to late.......

    So i use to use norton ghost to image my hard drive(saved a lot of stuffing around after some of my experiments reloading.

    So my question is: is there a way of imaging my kubuntu system?

    iv got it running sweet and i understand that kubuntu can be a bit fiddly (ok, not kubuntu, maybe the users a bit fiddly) if i image my hard drive, i can re install to the last good image, sound ok to you fellas.... any ideas.......

    hate to start at first base again//////
    Wosscoe Da&#39;Wabbit<br />(reforming Windows User)<br />No Dual Boot, go full on (cold turkey)

    Re: Imaging of system ( like norton ghost)

    Take a look at this:


      Re: Imaging of system ( like norton ghost)

      Here's my favorite imaging tool. It will even do a disk that has mixed partition types (i.e. ext3, NTFS, FAT32), so it really works great for dual boot systems.


        Re: Imaging of system ( like norton ghost)

        thanks mate, ill give it a look see, ive also been lookin at :"PING" it looks like a ghost type program, but im open to all suggestions......
        Wosscoe Da&#39;Wabbit<br />(reforming Windows User)<br />No Dual Boot, go full on (cold turkey)


          Re: Imaging of system ( like norton ghost)

          If you intend to restore the image on the exact same partition size that you did it you can use the dd command. It's Ghost but cheap, dirty and quick. But very dangerous. You can even compress the image if you want.

          Something like (remove the &#91;] when typing the commands)

          sudo dd if=/dev/[your partition here] of=[your file name to store the image into]

          (if instead of a filename you use -, you can pipe the output to the zip program for compression on the fly)

          does the trick of creating an image. Of course, to restore it you need to have the file in some place other than the partition you want to restore. To restore simply run

          sudo dd if=[your filename where the image is stored] of=/dev/[your partition here]

          Warning, this will not restore your boot record and will probably not work if the partition you're restoring into does not have the exact same physical layout. Usual disclaimer, all your data can be lost if you play with raw partitions and devices.

          Mmmm, thinking about it, it's best that you use one of the already made utilities. They will probably protect better from yourself.


            Re: Imaging of system ( like norton ghost)

            Barbolani -- My thoughts exactly!

