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Disk config options in the installer

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    Disk config options in the installer


    I'm a linux dabbler. I've tried various flavors of linux over the last half dozen years or so. The computer I'm intending to put kubunutu on is a shared computer running WinXP used by my family. We have lots of stuff on it that would be a tragedy to loose so I must be VERY careful not to damage anything when I install Kubuntu 8.10.

    My question is; What does the option "use largest continuous free space" mean on the disk configurations portion of the install routine?

    I put a new 500Gb drive in my computer a while ago and created a new Windows install on it in an 80Gb partition. I put one other 80Gb partition on it and have left the remainder of the disk unpartitioned - intending to put Linux in that space.

    Is this unpartitioned space the space that the installation routine will use if I choose the option to use the Largest free space or will it try to use the largest unused space on existing partitions. The installation dialog is not clear.

    I can't afford to screw this up so I would really appreciate some help.


    Re: Disk config options in the installer

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      Re: Disk config options in the installer


      So, I found the answer to my question on the ubuntu documentation site. Go figure!

      I now have a follow-on question.

      Based on my research so far, I think I want to have the following partitions

      I have 138Gb of free space. The computer is going to be a family computer. 6 users. Mostly web browsing, Email, and games. Lots of games...

      How should I size these partitions so as not to waste space and have the most available space for users and ... lots of games...

      I'm asking because I've read a lot of conflicting and dated advice.

      Thanks for any help you can provide.


        Re: Disk config options in the installer

        You don't need a separate partition for every directory in the OS!

        Unless you're doing something special, make no more than 3 partitions for Kubuntu:

        10G for /
        1 or 2G for swap

        the rest of your available space for /home

        That's it. Here's more on the subject:


          Re: Disk config options in the installer

          'nother point of view: someone sophisticated enough to partition like that, down to directories, would know what size they should be!

          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

