I've got a bit of a goofy drive/controller setup in my desktop at home.
I put Kubuntu 8.10 on it last night. After the install, GRUB didn't install right, rendering the system useless. I made some changes and installed GRUB, and 8.10 is now booting fine.
I went to boot back into XP Professional and received a message about NTLDR being missing.... DOH!
My plan of action from here is this:
Make a GRUB boot floppy
Boot from my XP CD into the recovery console and run fixboot/fixmbr
Make sure XP boots properly again
Boot from the GRUB floppy back into Kubuntu and re-install GRUB
Does this sound like the best way to go about fixing the problem? If not... any suggestions?
I put Kubuntu 8.10 on it last night. After the install, GRUB didn't install right, rendering the system useless. I made some changes and installed GRUB, and 8.10 is now booting fine.
I went to boot back into XP Professional and received a message about NTLDR being missing.... DOH!
My plan of action from here is this:
Make a GRUB boot floppy
Boot from my XP CD into the recovery console and run fixboot/fixmbr
Make sure XP boots properly again
Boot from the GRUB floppy back into Kubuntu and re-install GRUB
Does this sound like the best way to go about fixing the problem? If not... any suggestions?