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Distribution upgrade tool borks on Fontconfig [SOLVED]

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    Distribution upgrade tool borks on Fontconfig [SOLVED]

    I have a full disk image of my old Kubuntu 8.04. It saved my bacon. I followed the instructions to upgrade to 8.10. Left things running when the upgrade tool was downloading packages. Returned after shopping (some time later), screen locked. Could not unlock. Unlock dialog got replaced by a light gray rectangle of the same proportions, no unlock. Restarted kdm, no restart, so rebooted.

    After reboot, no kde, restored to Kubuntu 8.04 from image. Followed the instructions to upgrade again, first three or four times the upgrade tool said there was an error, offered to let me report it before dying. This time I am running the tool with the terminal shown, and I can see this error:

    Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/11-lcd-filter-lcddefault.conf", line 9: invalid constant used : lcddefault

    Mysteriously the Distribution Upgrade tool has now got past where it got to previously and is "Cleaning Up" and has been 99% through the "Searching for Obsolete Software" stage, is still responding, but otherwise appears to be doing nothing. No disk activity...

    Has anyone else had these problems? If so, what sorted it?


    - C.

    UPDATE: Distribution upgrade tool borks on Fontconfig warning...

    The "Cleaning up" phase never completed. Now I have 1265 upgradable packages and 21 broken packages for upgrade or installation...

    This is what apt-get dist-upgrade produces:

    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information... Done
    You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.
    The following packages have unmet dependencies:
    cups: Conflicts: cupsys (< 1.3.7-6)
    Conflicts: cupsys-bsd (< 1.3.7-5)
    cups-common: Conflicts: cupsys-common (< 1.3.7-6)
    ghostscript: Conflicts: gs-common (< 8.62)
    Conflicts: gs-esp (< 8.62)
    kghostview: Depends: gs
    libc6: Depends: findutils (>= 4.4.0-2ubuntu2) but 4.2.32-1ubuntu2 is installed
    libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.7-10ubuntu4) but 2.8~20080505-0ubuntu7 is installed
    libc6-i686: PreDepends: libc6 (= 2.7-10ubuntu4) but 2.8~20080505-0ubuntu7 is installed
    libcups2: Conflicts: libcupsys2 (< 1.3.7-6)
    libexpat1-dev: Depends: libexpat1 (= 2.0.1-0ubuntu1) but 2.0.1-4 is installed
    libfontconfig1-dev: Depends: libfontconfig1 (= 2.5.0-2ubuntu3) but 2.6.0-1ubuntu4 is installed
    libfreetype6-dev: Depends: libfreetype6 (= 2.3.5-1ubuntu4.8.04.1) but 2.3.7-2ubuntu1 is installed
    libgcrypt11-dev: Depends: libgcrypt11 (= 1.2.4-2ubuntu7) but 1.4.1-1ubuntu1 is installed
    libkadm55: Depends: libkrb53 (= 1.6.dfsg.3~beta1-2ubuntu1) but 1.6.dfsg.4~beta1-3 is installed
    libkrb5-dev: Depends: libkrb53 (= 1.6.dfsg.3~beta1-2ubuntu1) but 1.6.dfsg.4~beta1-3 is installed
    libldap-2.4-2: Conflicts: libldap2 but 2.1.30-13.4 is installed
    libpng12-dev: Depends: libpng12-0 (= 1.2.15~beta5-3) but 1.2.27-1 is installed
    libspectre1: Depends: libgs8 (<= 8.61.dfsg.1-2) but 8.63.dfsg.1-0ubuntu6 is installed
    libtasn1-3-dev: Depends: libtasn1-3 (= 1.1-1) but 1.4-1 is installed
    perl: Depends: perl-base (= 5.10.0-11.1ubuntu2) but 5.8.8-12 is installed
    perl-suid: Depends: perl (= 5.8.8-12) but 5.10.0-11.1ubuntu2 is installed
    pnm2ppa: Depends: gs
    E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.


    Worst case I will restore from my 8.04 back up but then I'm still a version behind still..


      Re: Distribution upgrade tool borks on Fontconfig warning...

      Have you considered a fresh install of Intrepid, after backing-up your information of course, or even installing Intrepid by formatting / and mounting your current /home as /home without formatting it?


        Re: Distribution upgrade tool borks on Fontconfig [SOLVED]

        Thanks for the post aged hippy (love the handle!).

        I did not try your suggestion though, if my last attempt failed that is what I would have been doing. Here is what I did and why I think things went wrong.

        • I booted from a live CD. I then mounted my laptop's internal HDD. Blew away all of the usual suspects, /usr, /bin, /etc, /home, etc. Then I restored everything from my full HDD backup.

        • This put my system back to where is was the day before my first abortive attempts to upgrade to 8.10.

        • I then reran the upgrade tool. This time I did not go away and I disabled the screen saver.

        • Result, no lock ups due the screen saver, and no other failures. Job done.

        Why I think it went pear shaped the first time is that when I restored my 8.04 previously, I didn't do so in a completely clean manner. I did not blow away the HDD contents first, but used the tarball to overwrite the contents. Presumably this left some flotsom hanging around that then continued to cause problems.

        Result, one upgraded system.


          Re: Distribution upgrade tool borks on Fontconfig [SOLVED]

          Well, did you try the -f flag as in

          sudo apt-get install -f
          What's the outcome?
          Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


            Re: Distribution upgrade tool borks on Fontconfig [SOLVED]

            Originally posted by sleepless.knight
            Thanks for the post aged hippy (love the handle!).
            That's not a handle.... it's a description.

