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Hardy w/kde4 to Intrepid upgrade

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    Hardy w/kde4 to Intrepid upgrade

    Currently I'm running Hardy Heron with the KDE 4.1 packages from ppa. I also have KDE3 installed from the repos. I'm not sure if anyone can answer this, but my question is what kind of contortions is my system going to be put through upgrading to Intrepid? I've heard that KDE in intrepid will only be KDE4. So do I need to purge my KDE 4 before the upgrade, and just let KDE 3 upgrade to KDE 4?

    Dell Optiplex 580<br />Kubuntu 10.10 + backports

    Re: Hardy w/kde4 to Intrepid upgrade

    I didn't KDE3 installed at all, but here is what I experienced with the upgrade


      Re: Hardy w/kde4 to Intrepid upgrade

      Originally posted by lykwydchykyn
      Keep a spare partition into which you copy your existing system using a live CD, toy round with that (i.e. upgrade it), in your /home partition make a backup of your ~/.kde and ~/.kde4 partitions and take it from there.

      Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


        Re: Hardy w/kde4 to Intrepid upgrade

        :P Tried the upgrade and everything went fine, except for all the icons are totally borked. My K Menu is a left arrow, the trash and home are user icons, and all the kmenu icons (for sections) are blanks... :vomit:

        Edit: Oh joy, even with teh new 177.80 driver, OOo still completely corrupts the screen on closure (and the main widgets while running). This might be it for me.

        Edit2: the usual rename .kde (to .kde-whatever) fixed the icon issue.


          Re: Hardy w/kde4 to Intrepid upgrade

          Originally posted by kjjjjshab
          :P Tried the upgrade and everything went fine, except for all the icons are totally borked. My K Menu is a left arrow, the trash and home are user icons, and all the kmenu icons (for sections) are blanks... :vomit:

          Edit: Oh joy, even with teh new 177.80 driver, OOo still completely corrupts the screen on closure (and the main widgets while running). This might be it for me.

          Edit2: the usual rename .kde (to .kde-whatever) fixed the icon issue.
          On the flipside I upgraded my production machine today from HH KDE4 remix to 8.10 RC. Very pleased with the upgrade and my nvidia 8800 card is correctly identified and installed with nvidia 177.80. Strangely glxgears now running at 4700 fps while under 8.04 it was at 8800 fps. My amarok 2 beta has also been downgraded to 1.4.


            Re: Hardy w/kde4 to Intrepid upgrade

            So in Intrepid, KDE4 uses .kde for config files? I wonder if I can just rename my current kde 4 config directory...

            A well, I've been with Linux for 5 years, if it screws up I can hack it back together. Here's to plunging in feet first in two days!
            Dell Optiplex 580<br />Kubuntu 10.10 + backports


              Re: Hardy w/kde4 to Intrepid upgrade

              Originally posted by lykwydchykyn
              So in Intrepid, KDE4 uses .kde for config files?
              Thank you all for pointing this out. I did an upgrade this morning and things were screwy after logging in via kdm. It would show the splash and then just hang...with no errors or indications of any sort. Once I saw this thread, I renamed my old .kde directory, and everything fired up as normally.

              Thanks for the help!



                Re: Hardy w/kde4 to Intrepid upgrade

                I have just completed a successful upgrade from Hardy where I had both KDE3.* and 4.* installed as a "dual boot". I upgraded from the 3.5 version using the instructions on this site.


                It gave me exact instructions and worked perfectly!!! As I said I had both KDE 3 & 4. Intrepid made one version of KDE - version 4.*. It does away with version3 completely. For me this is what I wanted.
                I am now having to learn to use all the nuances and candy that KDE 4 provides. I am very pleased with the results so far but I'm sure I'll be on the forum asking questions


                  Re: Hardy w/kde4 to Intrepid upgrade


                  upgrade (from 8.08 with KDE-4.1.0) deverted! System broken.... Linux newbie >

                  Ok. All data on seperate partition, so no problem: Fresh install.

                  After fresh install, I have to admit I am VERY irritated. I really liked both the 3.5 and the 4.1.0 and stayed with the later.

                  But now?!? I have to say, right now: it sucks!

                  I LOVED 8.04 with KDE-4!!! The first days I was in a rush, discovering Kate, Kile, RKward, the stylish look and the desktop configuration possibilities. And even considered replacing OS X with Kubuntu!


                  The funny plasma thing which appears on the desktop, when dropping items on it, makes no sense to me. But adding or dropping applications (not only applets) to the Panel is not possible ?! ( I liked the OS X style with a transparent hiding panel on the lower screen on my previous KDE4).

                  The Network manager does not connect automatically to a previous configuered WLAN, which 4.1.0 version did.

                  Adept is buggy. Closes down in the middle of selecting apps, without warning or comment; does not find "r-base" or "texlive". So modifing the repositories, which I did not have to do with 8.04?

                  I definitely cannot see any improvement to 4.1.0 which was not supposed to be a full release, but this is a big disappointment.

                  I will definitely try it out and give it a chance some more days. But right now I am seriously considering, going back to GNOME.


                    Re: Hardy w/kde4 to Intrepid upgrade

                    Originally posted by ReSeth
                    I have to admit I am VERY irritated.
                    Yep, been there, done that, feel sorry for you - but you just wait, 8.10 rocks!!!

                    ( I liked the OS X style with a transparent hiding panel on the lower screen on my previous KDE4).
                    Same here. The plasmoid in question is peachdock - unfortunately it is still broken. More info on how to install here:
                    If you know of another one which is capable of doing this please let me know

                    The Network manager does not connect automatically to a previous configuered WLAN, which 4.1.0 version did.
                    Do not click "save & connect" straight away but go through the interface until you come to "advance" - there is a box saying "autoconnect". Click and enjoy.

                    Hope to have addressed a couple of things here...
                    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                      Re: Hardy w/kde4 to Intrepid upgrade

                      Originally posted by errol
                      I have just completed a successful upgrade from Hardy where I had both KDE3.* and 4.* installed as a "dual boot". I upgraded from the 3.5 version using the instructions on this site.


                      It gave me exact instructions and worked perfectly!!! As I said I had both KDE 3 & 4. Intrepid made one version of KDE - version 4.*. It does away with version3 completely. For me this is what I wanted.
                      I am now having to learn to use all the nuances and candy that KDE 4 provides. I am very pleased with the results so far but I'm sure I'll be on the forum asking questions
                      I had almost the exact same situation as you Errol, I had KDE 4.X installed right alongside KDE 3.X. I just did the upgrade following the same instructions as you (from the KDE 3.5 version). I had an xorg.conf issue upon first boot where I had to comment out a few lines:

                      #Section "Files"
                      #  RgbPath     "/usr/lib/X11/rgb"
                      but after that, it booted up fine into KDE 4.1.2 and Kubuntu 8.10!!! I'm not sure that KDE 3.X is 'gone' though as I still have .kde and .kde4 hidden directories in my /home partition. But, it is what I wanted as well so I'm a happy camper thus far.

                      Now to go play for awhile ... Not sure I like the default theme (?) where the title bars have three thin blue lines on them vs. solid blue ... I'm sure I'll figure out how to change it eventually.

