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Alpha 5 Infinite Loop Login

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    Alpha 5 Infinite Loop Login

    Am trying out Alpha 5. Everything works fine on first install. After I run a dist-upgrade and reboot, I am continually returned to the login screen after I enter my username and password. Is there any way I can stop this

    Re: Alpha 5 Infinite Loop Login

    That's been an issue with Kubuntu.
    Since no one else is jumping in here, I'll copy/paste my notes on it, all taken from the forum. As you can see, it can be caused by several things.
    Notes are abbreviated, but I think you'll get the idea -- and I've included links to the forum.
    - - - - -
    dibl says:
    Login Loop Syndrome (dibl):
    There are multiple known causes for "login loop syndrome":
    - full filesystem
    - broken graphics driver installation
    - root privileges assigned to files in /home directory (this is caused by running the file manager as root and saving stuff in your user /home folder)
    probably others that I haven't remembered yet ....
    - - - - -
    Log-in Loop
    KDE KDM Fixing your log-in/display when you get repeating log-in

    --- Partition status (partition full ?)
    FAQ: Free Disk Space
    Log-in Loop
    KDE KDM Fixing your log-in/display when you get repeating log-in

    --- Partition status (partition full ?)
    FAQ: Free Disk Space
    Log-in Loop
    KDE KDM Fixing your log-in/display when you get repeating log-in

    --- Partition status (partition full ?)
    FAQ: Free Disk Space
    With default settings, diskfull
    - can kill your system (only one kubuntu partition)
    - can kill your desktop (separate / and home)

    --- Rename .kde and restart: Make new, clean KDE settings.
    Access the bad partition rename ~/.kde to ~/.kde.bak and then try again logging into the OS.
    Or, using CLI:
    At the log-in screen, don't log-in, press Ctrl+Al+F1 to get a virtual console,
    mv /home/<user>/.kde /home/<user>/kdebackup
    <user> is you username. It is /.kde => hidden folder.
    Press: Ctrl + Alt + F7. Now you should be in the graphical login screen. Login and KDE should build new Kubuntu/KDE desktop with default settings.

    --- Or try:
    Boot recovery mode, at the first pause (where you are the root user) enter
    Code: /etc/init.d/kdm start
    Then perform a normal shutdown/restart and use your normal boot line. (dibl)

    --- Remove / reinstall kdm and see if that works.
    sudo aptitude remove kdm; then: sudo aptitude update&&sudo aptitude install kdm

    --- REFERENCE: Log-in Loop 8.04:
    "Login Loop":
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

