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On the New Intel G45 Chipset - Failure

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    On the New Intel G45 Chipset - Failure

    Hello, trying to install II on a new Asus G45 mobo (P5Q-EM) because Hardy kernel 2.6.24 does not support this chipset.

    With the live CD, whether I choose live mode or install, it always dumps out to (initramfs) with no apparent error. When I cat casper.log it says:
    "Unable to find a medium containing a live filesystem."

    I have no idea where it is nor what it's trying to do. I've modified the boot line by eliminating quiet and splash, and everything looks fine until it dumps out at (initramfs). At the moment downloading the alternate CD.

    But no idea what's wrong nor what else to do.

    Re: On the New Intel G45 Chipset - Failure

    Looks like a bad CD. Burn the ISO image slow, at 4X, and use "DAO" mode if your burning software has that option.


      Re: On the New Intel G45 Chipset - Failure

      Hm, I've had alot of problems getting a good burn. I'll run the check CD function, thanks.

      Also I'll burn another one. Using k3b so have 4x and DAO options.

      Edit: Check CD function in Kubongo dumps out with the same error. I'll burn again using k3b's verify.


        Re: On the New Intel G45 Chipset - Failure

        I can never get a fully good disk, but I am starting to doubt that that's it. It always fails exactly the same way to (initramfs), whether the verify failure was in track 1 or track 300.

        Mobos based on this chipset were just released this week, so I am suspicious of driver support. I read of one guy who got this mobo working with II alpha 3, so I thought it should work with alpha 4.


          Re: On the New Intel G45 Chipset - Failure

          OK, it was a combination of things:
          - My CD blanks are several years old and now cannot be recorded to. Seems they 'spoil' after a while, even quality ones like TDK.
          - Apparently you cannot boot to a PATA device with this mobo, including my CDROM. Can only boot to SATA devices.
          - But when I boot Hardy, on a new CDROM disk, to my SATA DVD, it always stops at this (initramfs). I read somewhere that kernel 2.6.24 (Hardy) does not recognize this SATA2 controller. So must install Ibex, with 2.6.26, and indeed it installs and runs.

          Unfortunately it is extremely limited in what you can do with it. Adept crashes instantly and Synaptic and many other tools are not installable. There's no kcontrol, nor network settings manager, nor any other sort of system settings app. WTF?

          If only I could install Kubuntu Hardy with kernel 2.6.26.

          Looks like I'm flummoxed. Do I have to install Winduhs to record TV?


            Re: On the New Intel G45 Chipset - Failure

            Originally posted by Quantumstate

            So must install Ibex, with 2.6.26, and indeed it installs and runs.
            OK, if Ibex runs, then probably that is the way to go.

            Adept is working today, but you have to get fully dist-upgraded first, and you'll have to use apt-get to do so. So, make your CD with the Alpha 4 release of Intrepid Ibex, then in Konsole do

            sudo apt-get update
            sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
            And you should end up with a functional system. Don't try installing Compiz or getting fancy -- it's not ready for prime time (formal release will be in October). But I think you'll find it a usable system -- Amarok, K3B, gimp, GoogleEarth and all that works just fine here.


              Re: On the New Intel G45 Chipset - Failure

              Problem is, I can't even configure the fscking network. There are no tools. No kcontrol, no network config, no konquerorsu, no System Settings, no nothin'. Scary.

              I did an 'apt-cache search kde' and installed everything that looked good, but it was all already in. No kdepim, no kdeutils, no kdemultimedia, no nothin'. KDE4 seems unusable. And what else is broken/missing?

              I just wish I could put in Hardy. I can't wait until October. Should've gotten drunk today instead.


                Re: On the New Intel G45 Chipset - Failure

                I can't believe there is no documentation. Looked everywhere on for the official way to set up networking, and nothing. I occasionally get it working by editing interfaces, but on next reboot, gone.


                  Re: On the New Intel G45 Chipset - Failure

                  Are you struggling with wireless networking? Because on my Intrepid Ibex installation, ethernet through my router just works -- there was nothing to configure, it configured itself during installation.

                  Except for Knetworkmanager, which is not real popular if you read the posts about it, there is nothing special about networking in Kubuntu. In the console, it's identical to Ubuntu.


                    Re: On the New Intel G45 Chipset - Failure

                    Just an ethernet rj45 interface, although one that's in a chipset just released by Intel a week ago. (G45)

                    The logfile indicates it's trying dhcp on boot, although I have no idea where that's coming from. Certainly not interfaces.

                    I'll try Knetworkmanager.

                    Edit: Oh, knetworkmanager is the applet. Ya I tried that a while back and it stopped what little connection I had with the interfaces file. I did find that when I removed the NetworkManager symlink in /etc/rc5.d, I could get my interface up much easier after reboot. I just have to ifdown and ifup to get it working. No more dhcp nonsense in the log.

                    But still no idea what could be interfering.

