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Solved: nvidia driver quit working

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    Solved: nvidia driver quit working

    I added more main memory and when I rebooted my video was huge. I could make it usable
    with ctrl alt + or -. I restarted in recovery mode and ran xfix. Then everything looked ok but it was
    using the nv driver. Hardware drivers manager would not activate the nvidia driver so I ran nvidia-
    xconfig. When I restart I get a black screen when I should be seeing kdm. The card is a nvidia mx4000
    and the driver I was using that worked before the memory upgrade was 96.43.09. Intrepid sees the
    added memory and everything works except the nvidia driver. When I get the black screen the
    system is locked up except alt-sysrq reisub will restart it.

    If anyone could point me in the right direction I would be grateful....I think.


    Re: nvidia driver quit working

    sudo apt-get install envyng-qt
    sudo envyng -t
    Follow the menu.


      Re: nvidia driver quit working

      Thank you for your reply. I don't
      think envy will install beta driver
      96.43.09. So far I'm still using the
      nv driver. I did sudo apt-get purge nvidia-*
      and hope it will install from synaptic the
      same as what it did when I first installed
      it. I wonder if there's anything else I
      should remove. I would like to know
      what it was about increasing ram
      that tanked the driver. When I get
      a moment I'll try reinstalling and if
      envy would install the 96.43.09 driver
      I would try that.

      thanks again



        Re: nvidia driver quit working

        Nvidia's web site says the latest driver for the GeForce 4 MX series is 96.43.07. I would expect EnvyNG to ID your card correctly and install that driver, but you also have the option of downloading the driver from Nvidia's web site here:

        Make sure you select the 32-bit or 64-bit architecture appropriately. Also you need to install the build-essential package and the linux-headers-`uname -r` packages before you try to run the downloaded installer.


          Re: nvidia driver quit working

          I was using the 96.43.09 beta driver that's listed in one of ppa's or backports. I did
          get everything going again this afternoon. These are the steps I took. I booted into
          recovery mode and ran xfix which activated the nv driver and then I had a gui back.
          I uninstalled all the nvidia stuff with 'sudo apt-get purge nvidia-*'. I then installed with
          synaptic nvidia-glx-96(96.43.09 driver), nvidia-settings, and nvidia-96-modaliases.
          Because Hardware driver did not activate the driver I ran nvidia-xconf which enabled
          the driver. Then I had to restore the previous working xorg.conf file and edit the kwinrc
          file while logged in with icewm to re-enable desktop effects.

          I was surprised and happy to see it work as it did before I added more memory. This
          may have been the hard way but it was my way. I hope they get the open source
          nvidia 3d driver going so that some of these problems will get easier.

          Thanks for the suggestions.



            Re: Solved: nvidia driver quit working

            bigmac60, I always assumed that the nv driver did not support 3d acceleration. Has the situation changed or is there other open source driver that supports 3D?


              Re: Solved: nvidia driver quit working

              The Nouveau project is trying to reverse engineer a 3d
              driver for nvidia. Last I looked they have a ways to go.
              If they get it going that would make most of the nvidia
              driver problems go away.

