I've had a graphics pad for a while now, sitting almost useless.
It's from ALDI. A Medion 85637 Waltop Slim Tablet. Some solutions say to load aiptek drivers, others say wacom. It has worked with wacom drivers in Hardy.
How do I add it in KDE4.2? Overwrite xorg?
Can't this stuff have a config gui? Please. I'm getting very tired of "Configuring Linux" every time I want to do something.
It's from ALDI. A Medion 85637 Waltop Slim Tablet. Some solutions say to load aiptek drivers, others say wacom. It has worked with wacom drivers in Hardy.
How do I add it in KDE4.2? Overwrite xorg?
Can't this stuff have a config gui? Please. I'm getting very tired of "Configuring Linux" every time I want to do something.