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Help! Vodafone Internet Key driver, dependency problems

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    Help! Vodafone Internet Key driver, dependency problems

    Hello to everybody. In short [yes, I know it's not so short but please, read all), my situation:
    1) my town has not internet by cable (long story )
    2) the only way I can have a connection is with Vodafone Internet Key
    3) so actually, until I install driver in Linux, I can only use it with Windows
    4) I've downloaded this:

    (first link in the page for vodafone-mobile-connect-card-driver-for-linux_1.99.17_i386.deb)
    5) when I install it, Linux asks for a python dependency. So I exited Linux, entered Windows, go to the repository, download it, reentered Linux, installed it and... Linux asks for another dependency
    6) in short, the upper steps for about 12 times. Then I went to bed, when Linux was asking for the 13th file.

    My problem: when I've done the exact procedure in 8.04, in the konsole I could see:

    I need A, B, C and D, plus E and F for C dependency.

    Ok, so I went under Windows, downloaded all, and installed.
    A) how can I get the TOTAL list of dependencies?? Please, I'm going mad!

    Another thing... when I installed all previous KUbuntu distribution from the DVD, I had to choose which package I wish to install. And then I could add tons of other programs from the DVD. Yesterday, while despairing, I put the DVD inside my PC to say "Go, Linux, and find those packages you miss from the DVD!!!" (yes, of course, I know Linux is not a hunting dog ) well, my sad sad discovery was that the DVD just contain the EXTREMELY FEW programs I've already installed (without possibility to choose them) and nothing more. So I entered the Installer and... it didn't give me the possibility to see the 10 billions of packages available and then to choose which ones I want (yes, I know that after that it would look on the net, but it was just a try to see if there were other packages in the DVD).

    B) how can I see the entire list of available packages??
    C) where are all the other programs It has even not installed Klickety, how can I survive without Klickety ?? It's a sort of addiction

    Re: Help! Vodafone Internet Key driver, dependency problems

    I think will get you along.

    Read through your other post as well, isn't it possible to setup Internet Connection Sharing on your Windows box?
    If your mobile phone connection puts a connection in Network Connections, you can share it: Right click on the mobile phone connection and choose properties. In the Advanced tab, check "Allow other network users to connect... etc." (alternatively you might use the Network Setup Wizard, to which is a hyperlink in the same dialog box.
    Your windows box will assign itself and act as a DHCP server for your linux box (through another network card). Therefore, make sure your linux box is on the same network, the same workgroup and has no static IP.

    Important: if your network contains a router or other device/computer running DHCP, disable that service (otherwise it will conflict with ICS and you will not have an internet connection on linux).
    Once your problem is solved please edit the first post of your topic and add [SOLVED] in front of the subject. In that way, others can benefit from your experience!


      Re: Help! Vodafone Internet Key driver, dependency problems

      first of all, thank you very much, it seems you are a sort of my personal hero!
      I've actually downloaded half of the ubuntu repository you have linked. The problem is still the Vodafone Key. I don't know if you know what it is, this link could be helpful

      The problem is that that stupid key is a sort of my Nemesis. It simply doesn't work! The connection stops abruptly, even if there is connection, I cannot upload/download data, it pauses the transmission and it start again... just to say, it's impossible, due to all the problem the stupid key has, to set up a net. I am quarreling with Vodafone since February (hey, almost an entire year!!!). So, I don't think I could use it for a shared connection. Moreover I cannot change IP, open doors or whatever feature you would think it's normal to be able to change.
      Really, believe me, I absolutely need to know which files I have to download. Is there a shell command I can use to discover it? A friend of mine has tried to install the same driver, and send me a screenshoot of his desktop. The problem is that it seems I still need more dependencies and downloading one after another, still they seem to multiplicate!!!
      Moreover, I really would like to see to old beloved window where you can see:
      program X: it does this
      program Y: it does this and this
      program Z: it does this instead!

      I mean, where all those programs have gone? Why my package installer doesn't show all the programs anymore??

      PS: put a link in your browser to see my new posts, I would find that link extremely useful


        Re: Help! Vodafone Internet Key driver, dependency problems

        Kubuntu downloads its list of packages as well as the packages itself from the internet. So unless you have Internet you cannot see them in Adept.

        I'm afraid I don't understand your question so well.

        Is really not what you're looking for? You click your distribution and you get a list of program categories.
        You choose a categorie and browse for the program you want (or use CTRL+F). Then you click the package name of the program and it will show you all packages it depends on, right?

        I haven't worked with such a key that is "...faster than a speeding bullet" (according to Vodafone), but it's the only Internet access you have right now, isn't it?

        I'd still try to set up ICS, it's free

        You don't need to change any IP adress, you just look if the Vodafone connection is shown in Configuration Screen > Network Connections, then rightclick etc.
        Once your problem is solved please edit the first post of your topic and add [SOLVED] in front of the subject. In that way, others can benefit from your experience!


          Re: Help! Vodafone Internet Key driver, dependency problems

          Ok, my problem, as usual, is the language, so I'll try again.
          1) I can't add 2 computers in the net because I simply cannot have a net stable enough for a single computer. The pen doesn't "accept" to being connected to a net. So simply I download on PC Windows and copy-paste to PC Linux
          2) I'm not sure to have understood... usually I enter that site you linked, write down the package in the search box, then download the result of the search... I was searching for a command to write in my pc, something like:

          check all the dependencies to install the package XXXXX

          In case, can you show me how to obtain in the site the dependencies for the package I wrote in the first post of this thread?


            Re: Help! Vodafone Internet Key driver, dependency problems

            Try apt-rdepends (the bad news is apt-depends needs to be installed...)


              Re: Help! Vodafone Internet Key driver, dependency problems

              You cannot look dependencies up on the url I gave, because the package is not included in Ubuntu/Kubuntu. But you can see the data you want inside the .deb package. Just open it (here it opens with Gdebi Package Installer) and click details. It says it has 43 dependencies.
              Once your problem is solved please edit the first post of your topic and add [SOLVED] in front of the subject. In that way, others can benefit from your experience!


                Re: Help! Vodafone Internet Key driver, dependency problems

                Ehm... darling, not to sound stupid but... really, I haven't understood what you have said.
                I can't use the url you wrote for searching dependencies because the Vodafone Key driver is not included in Linux. Ok. Then you say that I have to open (what? The Vodafone driver file?) with Gdebi (that I don't know what it is) to see dependencies. So, actually I am quite confused... English is a big problem. Can you repeat what should I do, please?


                  Re: Help! Vodafone Internet Key driver, dependency problems

         contains dependencies for packages that are in the repositories. The driver for your Vodafone key is not in the repositories, so you will need another source to check for dependencies.

                  One source is the package itself: when you open the driver file you downloaded for your Vodafone key with a package manager, you can see on which packages depend. In the packagemanager will be a button "details" or so. At least it's called that way in the package manager named Gdebi.

                  I hope this is clearer for you, if not, just post!
                  Once your problem is solved please edit the first post of your topic and add [SOLVED] in front of the subject. In that way, others can benefit from your experience!


                    Re: Help! Vodafone Internet Key driver, dependency problems

                    Yes, it's far clearer than the previous version, thank you!
                    Another question: where can I find a package manager Usually, I double click on the Vodafone driver file (a .deb file) and a window appears saying that I miss a package (only one, even if, after adding that file, it is written I need a package with a different name, and so on). If I use apt-get install from the shell on the driver file, it opens the driver and after a while says it cannot find the driver file (is it mocking me?? ).
                    So, can you write a step by step tutorial to see the missing packages, please?


                      Re: Help! Vodafone Internet Key driver, dependency problems

                      Thought it might be easier for you if I attach a screenshot of all dependencies you need for your Vodafone key.
                      Attached Files
                      Once your problem is solved please edit the first post of your topic and add [SOLVED] in front of the subject. In that way, others can benefit from your experience!


                        Re: Help! Vodafone Internet Key driver, dependency problems

                        Ehm, sweet darling, you are my hero and you know, so, not to sound ungrateful but... a friend of mine has already sent to me a screenshot of that kind but the problem is that ie:
                        python-crypto has 5 dependencies so how can I know which of those packages I already have and which not?
                        In fact, in the screenshot of my friend, I downloaded everything... and still I miss a lot of packages. So I really need to obtain the dependencies list from MY computer.
                        Can you help me, please?


                          Re: Help! Vodafone Internet Key driver, dependency problems

                          ok then, I have just one more idea, then I'm out of ideas...

                          dpkg -l | grep -e "^in.*"
                          It searches for packages that are desired to be "installed" (i), but of which the status is "not installed" (n).

                          I hope it gives you the list you need.
                          Once your problem is solved please edit the first post of your topic and add [SOLVED] in front of the subject. In that way, others can benefit from your experience!


                            Re: Help! Vodafone Internet Key driver, dependency problems

                            I'm not sure to have understood... how can this command know that I wish to install the package X if I'm not telling it??


                              Re: Help! Vodafone Internet Key driver, dependency problems

                              I am not sure if it will work. When you try to install your Vodaphone key, I guess it will mark some packages as "to be installed".
                              BUT, if you are to see which packages those are, you will need some source list, which is usually ... downloaded...

                              If this doesn't work, I don't know any automated way to do it.
                              I guess you then will have to download the packages one by one or search the database for further dependencies.
                              Once your problem is solved please edit the first post of your topic and add [SOLVED] in front of the subject. In that way, others can benefit from your experience!

