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Where to find driver?

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    Where to find driver?

    Hello guys, my second thread, my second stupid question. Today I finally entered my wonderful KUbuntu and I gave a look around. Summarizing, I have no graphic card driver installed. Linux says I need a proprietary driver by ATI. Any idea about where I can get it? Since I have to do a lot of thing before setting my internet connection... (looooooooong story, but please, trust me and send some anathema to my provider ) I have to download them in windows (where internet works) and then copy the file on Linux partition. So, I have an ATI x1950 Pro in a 64bit processor system. Anyone here can tell me where I can find the files, please?

    Re: Where to find driver?

    I had the sama problem with nvidia driver, i googled for it a lot, then found 2 ways to install it. 1 was from command line with command: sudo apt-get install nvidida-glx somethingsomething.
    You can try to google for like: apt-get install ati graphics driver.

    2nd way was by using the hardware drivers manager, but it didnt work with 64-bit system, so i had to use command line.

    And i found out a third way. Using something like envy, but i think that was just for nvidia drivers.

    I got the driver installed, but my 64-bit kubntu is still running quite bad on my new laptop. I dont know if i need some more drivers installed.

    How is your kubnutu working?


      Re: Where to find driver?

      I've surfed the net and I've found this:

      it should be the correct file, the only problem is that I can't understand these words:

      "32-Bit packages must be installed for 64-Bit Linux drivers to install or work."

      any idea?
      My KUbuntu works fine, of course no 3D available (till now) but the other graphic areas are perfect. I cannot use apt get install because my internet connection still doesn't work under Linux, so I have to download from Windows and then copy under Linux...


        Re: Where to find driver?

        it means what it says i think, it means that u need some files that are compiled with 32-bit compiler and you need those packages to make those 64-bit drivers work


          Re: Where to find driver?

          So you have no way to get internet in Kubuntu atm?

          Sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-xxx and the driver installer are the prefered methods to get this driver. Sadly you need the internet to get them.

          You could try to get the drivers direct from ati but I am assuming (I did not look at the link) that you have to compile them, and if you are missing packages to do that you will get in quite deep and close with frustration.

          Best bet is to get the internet issue worked out, use the driver manager (off memory here not at my laptop atm) and activate the restricted driver.

          Hope that helps.

          BTW envy will do ati cards but is no longer in the 8.10 packages and i think the guy who wrote it is on the dev team an no longer updating it.


            Re: Where to find driver?

            EnvyNG is still in the 8.10 packages and nvidia-xxx- drivers that you get through the repositories do show up in it as options to install.


              Re: Where to find driver?

              Really? I hunted for a fair bit, though I was running on a 36 hr no sleep phase at the time so .... I did find that even without envy the restricted drivers worked great and are only a few steps behind the ones on Nvidia's site.


                Re: Where to find driver?

                To say the truth, I simply downloaded the file at ATI site and follow their (very detailed) instructions. All gone perfectly! So, thank you very much ATI!

