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Audio Disks not Seen; Data Disks are Mounted

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    Audio Disks not Seen; Data Disks are Mounted

    I just tried to update a second machine -- my AMD desktop box -- from 8.04 AMD64 to 8.10 AMD64 with the same result as experienced the first time I tried to update my laptop: No login screen after reboot and no way to edit any files as I was locked out of all files on my HDD including any I could have used to modify permissions.

    So, I have done a clean install and copied my data back on to the new version.

    Data CDs and DVDs are seen and mounted immediately. Audio CDs are not mounted nor do they appear in the source list in Dolphin or Amarok player. I have not attempted to view any video CD or DVD yet, though.

    How do I get Kubuntu to autorun and recognize audio disks? I cannot find any equivalent to the "Disks & Filesystem" icon under the "Advanced" tab in System Settings ... and no FM to R ... so what now?

    TIA for any assistance.

    Re: Audio Disks not Seen; Data Disks are Mounted

    Earlier > Topic: Audio CD not mounting

    and more...

    Amarok2 and CD play > HOwto play a CD with Amarok2 (Amarok Forum)
    My problem is: I can't find a way to access a music CD inserted into the cdrom drive ?!?

    Do I overlook something? Or is this just not possible yet?

    Using Kubuntu 8.10 with latest backports and the amarok-kde4 package from
    Sorry, that's just not yet implemented (tm). Likely to be added in future versions of Amarok2.

    > No notifications upon audio CD insert (KDE Forum)
    "bcooksley" tells:
    < Inserts music CD into laptop >. I don't get any notifications either. I would say that it is currently unimplemented, and I do not see it on the plan for KDE 4.2 either
    Those notifications will hopefully return at some point. The original KDE 3 infrastructure suffered the same problems as Printing did. It had to be completely thrown away as it was too integrated into the Linux way of doing things...
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Audio Disks not Seen; Data Disks are Mounted

      Thanks for your reply. I have stuck with Amarok 1.4.10 and the previous discussion provided the information necessary to get the audio disks playing. Dolphin for KDE4 is head and shoulders better and I am a little disappointed that it can't display audio disk contents, but it isn't a major factor in my using the program.

      I don't think I'll be installing Amarok 2x any time soon. I confess to being more than a little bit shocked over the number of unfinished "basic features" the beta got let into the wild without. The less said the better ... so I am STFU now.


        Re: Audio Disks not Seen; Data Disks are Mounted

        I think this is a Kde 4 issue and not an Amarok 2 issue, programs such as Amarok 1.4, Kaffeine, K3B use Kde 3.5.10 libs. Amarok 2 uses Kde 4 libs.

        This is one thing that has yet to be implemented in kde 4, I'm sure it will eventually.

        I use Amarok 2 and must say I do like it, I don't play music Cd's as I always rip them to disk first using K3B.
        Kubuntu 10.10 64bit<br />KDE 4.5.3<br />Kernel: generic<br />Nvidia Driver: 260.19.06<br />Dell Dimension 9200 - Core 2 Duo 6300 - 3GB Ram<br />Nvidia Geforce 7900GS<br /><br />Linux user since March 2004<br />Linux user #526793

