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How does one change the default sound device?

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    How does one change the default sound device?

    When I play radio stations or watch trailers using Firefox or I use Amarok, the sound comes out of the sound card.
    How can I set the default sound device to be my USB headset?
    I have a fresh install of Kubuntu Intrepid on my T43p laptop.

    Re: How does one change the default sound device?


    With the headphones plugged in go to a console (or Konsole) and type:

    asoundconf list

    This will give you a list of all soundcards names recognized by your system. Locate the name that reflects your headphones and then type:

    asoundconf set-default-card [name-you-found-above]

    This will set that audio output device as default. You will need to restart any apps that use the audio device.

    Should you not find a name that is recognizable as your headset, there is a way to determine that as well, but usually it is quite easy to see what-is-what.


      Re: How does one change the default sound device?

      Thank you for your quick reply.
      The output of the 'asoundconf list' command was:
      Names of available sound cards:
      I then gave the 'asoundconf set-default-card Headset' command

      When using Amarok, the sound now comes out of the USB headset. Same when using mplayer.
      When playing trailers at using Firefox, the sound still comes out of the soundcard.
      Why does that happen?


        Re: How does one change the default sound device?

        Interesting I do not have that problem. But there is a different method to fix this problem by modifying the asound.rc file. Look at this link, it may solve your issue:


          Re: How does one change the default sound device?

          Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction. Will set this up now.


            Re: How does one change the default sound device?

            Originally posted by JimV
            Interesting I do not have that problem. But there is a different method to fix this problem by modifying the asound.rc file. Look at this link, it may solve your issue:

            I followed the instructions carefully, set up the two files and then ran the script as suggested. When I play trailers with Firefox, the sound still comes out of the soundcard. What a pain


              Re: How does one change the default sound device?

              I also have this problem. I've got my tv to clone my monitor through hdmi. so i can watch movies etc on my tv now, but no firefox or web content will give me sound on hdmi out. only through monitor which is no good...

              how come firefox doesn't follow the default sound device that the rest of the OS does?

