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New Xorg server - Old Xorg Settings - MUST READ

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    New Xorg server - Old Xorg Settings - MUST READ

    Ok, I figured out how to fix all the brokenness that the new 1.5 xorg server imposed on all of us. This included mouse support and mode settings for monitors and, well, just about every other problem I was having...

    1. MAKE A BACK UP OF YOUR xorg.conf FILE located in /etc/X11.
    sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_BAC

    2. drop to a console (ctrl+alt+f1), then log in as yourself (or root) and issue:
    sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop

    3. In this step, you can either modify your own xorg.conf file, or issue a X -configure and let it make a new file. The new file will be located in your home dir (or /root actually).

    4. Open the xorg.conf file and add this to the TOP of the file before everything else:

    Section "ServerFlags"
    Option "AutoAddDevices" "False"

    5. Make all the modifications you need to your mouse sections or mode sections or where ever to fix your issues...

    6. Issue an sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start && exit (Just like its typed)

    7. Finally enjoy your desktop

    Hope this helps some of you out; at least till they un-bork the current xorg config settings and how to modify them. This is not just an issue with *ubuntu, I learned these steps from an Arch Linux wiki and it works great in Kubuntu.
