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Intrepid Frustration

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    Intrepid Frustration

    Hey there Im a little frustrated and are looking for advice.

    I was quite happy with Kubuntu Gutsy, so the KDE4 Version seamed a little like too much patch-work and I had different minor issues that annoyed me and which I of coursed filed bugs about. So all I was hoping for with Intrepid was another great release that simply took Gutsy and made it work. In fact however it broke everything that ever work, probably not for everyone, but for me.

    *Bluetooth onced worked, now its broken, kbluetooth4 is running as daemon, I can fire kbluetooth4-devicemanager by hand but it wont do anything, neither will hcitool and hidd isnt even in the bluez-utils

    *My Webcam onced worked, not in programs like kopete, but at least in skype, intrepid was supposed to bring glorious webcam support, now it wont even work in skype anymore

    *Atheros 5007EG doesnt work, even though the open Atheros driver was so hyped, it simply doesn't work and madwifi is gone

    *Suspend/Resume sometimes leaves my processes as zombies or 'disk sleeping', forcing me to restart the computer

    *The multimedia keys work, but not the percentage display, bugreport was filed a long time ago

    *adept 3 is unusable, I went back to sudo apt-get, it might still be alpha or beta or something, but search vlc or jre doesnt find anything and the mouse has to travel ridiculous mileage to check a package go to changes and click apply, thats the biggest step back in usability I have seen recently, the adept 2 design was fast, straight forward, just perfect, the current one needs to be overhauled

    so the advice Im looking for is, will there be updates rolling out soon fixing these issues or am I better off downgrading back to gutsy? Now there I had to reboot sometimes after suspend because the wireless wouldnt come up, but at least webcam and bluetooth were working... (atheros chipset is in another laptop)

    thanks for sharing your thoughts,

    Re: Intrepid Frustration

    I don't use bluetooth for anything but I saw on the release notes ( that bluetooth is broken and that this is a known issue (

    I agree that the new adept is practically worthless. It's amazing that in 2008 it is far more easier to use the command line than this application. You may already know how to do this, but just in case, you can do:

    sudo apt-cache search package-name | less
    You can replace 'package-name' with the full or partial name of the software you are looking for. Piping it through the 'less' command just allows you to page-up/page-down through the results if there are a lot of results. Old fashioned, but it actually works pretty well. This 'new improved' version of adept is awful. Looks like the devs got too distracted with KDE4 bling and lost sight of function. I mean, who came up with those weird icons that are supposed to represent the "State:" and "Requested:" statuses? What does a gold triangle mean to anyone but the developer who came up with it?

    It's your call whether you switch to an older Kubuntu release (or try some other distro). I'm going to try to tough it out because I need some of the newer software that is available. But the pain I go through for each release is getting tiring.


      Re: Intrepid Frustration

      Hey jsma, thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it. I would have changed to another distribution a while ago, but I am stuck to the online backup service, haven't found an rpm for it and it seems to be the only such service currently supporting linux (and kde).

      Also going back to 8.04 means a lot of rebooting after suspend2ram for sleeping wireless card... its a tough call and yes you are right, upgrading really gets more painful every time...


        Re: Intrepid Frustration

        Originally posted by gletscher
        *The multimedia keys work, but not the percentage display, bugreport was filed a long time ago
        I found that the volume controls on a multimedia keyboard work fine but won't show volume percentage UNLESS you have selected a Master Channel in KMix (right-click the KMix icon on the panel).
        Kubuntu 20.04(AMD64)/KDE 5


          Re: Intrepid Frustration

          Volume Percentage:
          Open KMix mixer, Goto settings->configure shortcuts and set the shortcuts for Increase volume and decrease volume.

          Adept issue:
          This is the infamous <4 letter search issue, ie. It won't find a package name of length <4 (was causing high CPU usage afaik)
          Just add a space next to the name, ie vlc<space> should find vlc immediately.


            Re: Intrepid Frustration

            hey thanks for the tips!!

            if I select PCM as Master Channel, the % display works, however it only manipulates loudness within Firefox, Amarok is not affected by the PCM level.

            To turn 3 chars search off while there are 3 chars long package names is plain st****.. (excuse my language) but the closest thing to reasonable would be to disable global search for 3 chars and limit the search field to 3 character long package names.. thanks a bunch for the information though, somehow I'm really unsure where the adept people are heading, might go to synaptic or something.. as much as I love kde, but maybe I try something else until things settle down, everything is in such a transition stage right now..

            And seriously, how can you commit a last minute upgrade to the bluez stack and the 'release' a distribution with broken bluetooth support... somehow I feel like ubuntu is the release, and kubuntu the sandbox...


              Re: Intrepid Frustration

              Originally posted by gletscher
              And seriously, how can you commit a last minute upgrade to the bluez stack and the 'release' a distribution with broken bluetooth support... somehow I feel like ubuntu is the release, and kubuntu the sandbox...
              Yeah, this is truly amazing in my opinion. The release should have been postponed. The "users need to read the release notes" philosophy can't apply to something that big.


                Re: Intrepid Frustration

                bluetooth does work... read the activating bluetooth post... it's also a really good system for the money... this isn't bill gates, or steve jobs, it's a bunch of computer guru's doing their best in their free time to offer the world a free OS, and despite the annoyances and work arounds, it's a pretty damn good system... my opinion anyway...


                  Re: Intrepid Frustration

                  I heartily agree!
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Re: Intrepid Frustration

                    Originally posted by andreasj64
                    bluetooth does work... read the activating bluetooth post... it's also a really good system for the money... this isn't bill gates, or steve jobs, it's a bunch of computer guru's doing their best in their free time to offer the world a free OS, and despite the annoyances and work arounds, it's a pretty damn good system... my opinion anyway...
                    Perhaps it works now, but it didn't at release according to the notes.

                    And please don't forget that as much as 70% of kernel code is paid (for example)... many other components are likely as high. We are the computer gurus doing their best in their free time (submitting bugs, helping other users), not Canonical, when looking at the numbers/hours.


                      Re: Intrepid Frustration

                      Yeah, but the computer geeks that we are, we just can't resist the temptation to download the latest piece of software, tested or not, just to see if it works and how it looks. In the Windows world, anyone installing the latest version is historically better off waiting about 6 months after the new release. As for me, hell, I not only install the unsupported, I install the pre-release updates as well. I usually cross my fingers and hope the machine reboots, and is at the very least, semi functional until more updates come out.

                      You have to be honest here, you could have waited six months before trying it, or loaded it onto a secondary drive to test it first. In the end, it's all free software, so ultimately you get what you pay for. You didn't have to upgrade immediately, and neither did I. We could have hung right here in the forum first, so we could see the issues before making the decision. We are the software testers though, so the only way a system of this development can progress is by resolving the problems faced in the real world. Microsoft goes through internal and external Beta testing before they even offer it to the public, and I'm sure MAC is mostly internal Beta before release.

                      Half the fun of this is making it work, and finding an answer, and helping others get up and running. I nearly crashed my whole darn system when I upgraded, but I was able to get help here to get me up and running again. Now, it's working great, although certainly not flawless. My screen depth is only 16, and I can't seem to find a way to fix the issue.

                      The bottom line here is, we have no one to bitch at but ourselves when we face upgrade issues, because we made the decision to upgrade a perfectly good system in the first place. I had a minor little issue with a file association in 8.04, and I just couldn't resist the temptation to upgrade to see if it would fix. It fixed all right, but it took another three days to see Kubuntu's desktop

                      Not trying to start an argument here, so don't take it the wrong way. I'm just trying to keep things in perspective. It's free software, and overall it's pretty cool, and runs pretty well.


                        Re: Intrepid Frustration

                        Precisely so, andreasj64, precisely so. 8)


                          Re: Intrepid Frustration

                          Well put, andreasj64,
                          A good, positive, healthy perspective--and attitude--to keep right up front.

                          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                            Re: Intrepid Frustration

                            One of the clearest statements on the subject I've seen. Well said andreasj64.
                            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                              Re: Intrepid Frustration

                              Originally posted by andreasj64
                              ...The bottom line here is, we have no one to bitch at but ourselves when we face upgrade issues, because we made the decision to upgrade a perfectly good system in the first place. I had a minor little issue with a file association in 8.04, and I just couldn't resist the temptation to upgrade to see if it would fix. It fixed all right, but it took another three days to see Kubuntu's desktop

                              Not trying to start an argument here, so don't take it the wrong way. I'm just trying to keep things in perspective. It's free software, and overall it's pretty cool, and runs pretty well.
                              I have absolutely zero complaints for myself... I love the challenges that linux provides for me (I often tell friends that it's like solving sudoku except that you have something to show for it when you're done)... however, there are plenty of other people out there that are just looking for a working OS and will just download the latest iso without reading the notes, and they will be very disappointed when their bluetooth mouse doesn't work (for example).

                              To take the argument further, would it be ok if kubuntu released a version that had all USB support broken I would hope not. I would very much like this distro to move from the drop-dead release schedule and send it out when it's ready. I think that would be better for the entire community.

                              I also think it is a bit of a disservice to IBM, Sun, Nokia, Apple, Google, and all the other companies out there that spend millions of dollars each year paying employees to code open source project to "ignore" those efforts and say things like "linux is made by a bunch of geeks in their basements with their free time"... it is a misconception that should be corrected when possible, IMO.

                              But yeah, I personally for my use do not care about the bluetooth issue at release, but I think it is a bad policy of Canonical to allow for such a release, as it will no doubt turn away some new users.

